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More Violence Between ‘Settlers’ and IDF Soldiers

An IDF soldier was lightly injured in a scuffle with settlers in Otniel in the Southern Chevron Hills on Wednesday afternoon. IDF officials report the soldier was hit over his head with a baton. He was transported to Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva.

The violence began when Arabs in the area began harvesting their olive trees. Military officials report the Jewish youths began pelting them with rocks, compelling the IDF to respond and attempt to stop the attacks and restore order.

Soldiers of the Duchifat unit responded, seeking to distance the Jews from the Arabs. During the scuffle, the soldier was hit with the baton. In another case, one youth attempted to grab a soldier’s weapon. Another soldier controlled the situation and the youth was taken into custody.

Later in the day, a protest was held outside the Re’ut community home of IDF Central District Commander Gadi Shamni. Reports indicate 19 protestors were taken into custody.

The protest was to decry the unfair treatment of residents of Yehuda and Shomron by the IDF. The protest was declared illegal and the arrests were made, mostly minors, who were released later in the day.

Earlier in the week, some 30 protestors appeared in front of the senior officer’s home to protest. 29 were taken into custody.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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