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Israel: Thousands of Students not Vaccinated

According to health officials in Israel, between 5-9% of students have not received vaccinations as they should have in first, second and eighth grades. Officials explain the vaccination against serious illness such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, and tetanus, are lacking in a growing number of students in the nation’s school system.

In a report prepared by Dr. Itamar Gruto, who heads Health for the General Public organization, submitted to Dr. Boaz Lev, the director-general of the Health Ministry, it is pointed out that many deficiencies exist regarding healthcare provisions for students of the nation’s schools.

He cites that in total, only 92.9% of first, second and eighth graders were vaccinated during the last school year. Over 20,000 students were missed. Some were not vaccinated due to illness or their refusal to receive the vaccinations.

The latest report comes amid mounting reports of a decline in vaccinations for the nation’s children over the past four years, a fact that has the medical community concerned.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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