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Arab Media: Nasrallah Survived an Assassination Attempt

nasrallah.gifHizbullah sources are denying a report that is based on an Iraqi website which states the organization’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, last week survived an assassination attempt. The report states he was targeted in a chemical attack, pointing a finger of blame at Israel.

Apparently, Iranian physicians flown to Lebanon saved the life of the master terrorist. According to the Almalaf website report, quoted by Haaretz online, they may be flying Nasrallah to Iran for follow-up treatment.

In February 2008, Hizbullah’s number two man, Imad Mughniyeh, was assassinated in a car bomb explosion in Syria. Hizbullah blames Israel for that attack but Jerusalem has denied any involvement.

In 1997, two Mossad agents were apprehended in Jordan after using a chemical substance to assassinate Hamas leader Khaled Meshal. They were only released after then Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu sent the antidote to Jordan, and only after agreeing to the release of Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin as part of the deal to obtain the release of the Mossad agents.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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