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Monsey Kaparos Organizer Face $10,000 in Fines

kap11.jpgThe Journal News reports: Organizers of a religious ceremony involving chickens face up to $10,000 in fines for failing to properly clean up after the ritual, the Rockland County Health Department said today.

The group running the kapparot ceremony was cited for two violations of the Rockland sanitary code each of the five days that thousands of chickens were kept on the grounds of the former Monsey Jewish Center, said Thomas Micelli, director of environmental health for the Health Department.

Inspectors found there was a large amount of offensive material – including chicken feces, feathers and blood – on the site each of the five days, resulting in five the violations, Micelli said. Five additional violations were issued to the group for creating a public health nuisance.

The county got a court order Wednesday – the last day the ritual was performed – ordering the organizer and the property owner to stop the ceremony.

Chickens were still on the property yesterday, but had been removed by early this afternoon.

3 Responses

  1. Chilul Ha-Shem of the first order! You should read our local news and how much hate against Jews has been generated by this story.

    I have decided this year before the news broke out since it was the same as last year to use money then chickens as we had done for dozens of years.

    This story brings complete shame to our community!!

  2. iib002 – the hate has NOTHING to do with the chickens. if a story about the town supervisor is in the papers, we, the Yidden are called tax cheats and leeches by the bloggers in the JN. In other stories the posters come out of the woodwork (or out from under their rocks) to do nothing but use vile language against Jews. one blogger posted to another blogger “it sure is fun to blast the Hasids with you” this story had nothing to do with chickens

    in the chicken story it took me three attempts to get a post deleted that referred to yidden as dirty smelly people (I cleaned up what was really written, which was profanity laden and extremely vile).

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