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Monticello: Surveillance Cameras Helped Catch Two Burglars

arrest2.jpgTwo men who allegedly stole a $3,000 compactor from the Sunshine Estates bungalow colony in the Town of Thompson in late August, were caught as a result of the group’s surveillance cameras MidHudsonNews reports.

Randall Brown, 39, and Daniel Popet, 25, both of Woodridge, were arrested by the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office after they allegedly took the machine to a scrap metal dealer in Woodridge and sold it for $69.

But, it was those computer-based surveillance cameras at Sunshine Estates that helped identify and catch the men. Colony Board President David Rosenberg told MidHudsonNews that the surveillance system provided the police with video information to identify their truck and other evidence that led to their arrests.

And Rosenberg said the camera systems are invaluable.

“I encourage very much people to put in cameras, especially bungalow colonies or camps where the presence is not always there like in the winter time,” he said. “There was a lot of breakings and pulling of copper pipes and metals when the price went up. So, this is a good deterrent.”

He also credited Rabbi Bernard Freilich, liaison to the State Police, with assisting in the investigation that resulted in the arrests.

( / YWN-112)

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