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Palin: Only Flag In My Office is Israeli

is flag1.jpgPresident Peres of Israel yesterday met for the first time with Governor Palin and with Senator McCain, who called the veteran Israeli statesman “my old friend.” The warm handshake and exchange of broad smiles occurred during an international gathering known as the Clinton Global Initiative, hosted by President Clinton.

“I wanted to meet you for many years,” Ms. Palin told Mr. Peres, according to an aide to the president. “The only flag at my office is an Israeli flag,” she was quoted as saying, “and I want you to know and I want Israelis to know that I am a friend.”

(Source: NY Sun)

15 Responses

  1. nfgo..I have seen pictures of her office. A lot of the Jewish papers displayed that picture on the front cover…Why the cynical attitude towards her? She is a good person and will do a fine job in office.

  2. your just another liberal who can’t make out common sense.

    she meant that she’s the only politician that displays a forign flag.

    which happens to be an israeli one.

    she has alaskin and an american flag in her office as well.

    check it out for yourselves on youtube sarapalinisraeliflag.

  3. “She is a good person and will do a fine job in office.”

    I’m not sure how the first part of that sentence flows into the second.

    Personally, I also like my leaders to have some sort of education and insight relevant to leading the free world. Maybe that’s just me. Maybe we’re living in simple enough times that understanding economics, Middle East history, constitutional law, Islam, and international law, along with exhibiting the patience to thoughtfully consider issues before acting (yeah, “blinking”)– maybe all those are just luxuries we don’t need from our leaders.

    Or maybe we could desperately use more than just a “good person.”

    So, “ImustShteig,” who’s having trouble with common sense, exactly?

  4. Sorry… that last part of my comment was supposed to be directed to “who said what.” “ImustShteig” was at least respectful in disagreement.

  5. @sysmstr I remember watching that interview when she was first picked as vp candidate. I noticed the flag right away. Notice, there is NO other flag from foreign country. This interview was back in Feb., way before she even had to appel to us.

    Interesting thing to notice, when a Democrat says he/she is for Israel, no-one even says boo. They just accept. When a republican says it, they have to start searching all over the place to make sure it’s true, and even then, say it’s not.

    Facts are that Palin and McCain have only done, said, or (wanted to) participated in Pro Jewish/Israeli values.

    Something that can’t be said about McCain’s rival. Obama one day said no split Jerusalem while talking to the Jews then goes the next day and tells arabs that yes to splitting Jerusalem. Anyone comment then? What is he even talking to them for? Do you see McCain or Palin talking to Terrorists? They have only had meetings with Israelis!

  6. terrible president to start to have a women in presidential office and being started my the so called conservatives no less! the feminizing of this country makes me sick


    Actually, it is safe to say that virtually every mainstream publication or or other type of media organ is “nothing more than a screen to present chosen views.” The great battle over the last century has been a battle for the mind of the Western peoples, i.e., non-Jewish Euros. The chosen won it by acquiring control over essentially the complete mainstream news, information, education and entertainment media of every type, and using that control to infuse and disseminate their message, agenda and worldview, their way of thinking, or rather the way they want us to think. Since at least the 1960s this campaign has been effectively complete. Since then they have shaped and controlled the minds of all but a seeming few of us in varying degree with almost no opposition or competition from any alternative worldview. So now most of us are mentally trapped in the box the chosen have made for us, which we have lived in all our lives. Only a few have managed to avoid it or escape it, or to even sometimes see outside of it, and so actually “think outside of the (Jewish) box.”

  8. So exactly what is the other option obama the community organizer
    the only two cultures he can tell the difference between is the bloods and cryps
    The only economical thing he knows how to do is spend your money
    The only thing he knows how to do internationally is give a speech in germany bashing the us
    And I presume the constitution thing your talking about would be something like the fairness doctrine
    All in all I think he should stop blinking and start thinking

  9. Gooood morning everyone!
    Let’s try to keep the forum clean today, shall we?
    We all have our political views, and as much as we try, we really won’t change anyone’s mind through posts. No, really, I promise you- it won’t work.
    So let’s just respect each other, and we’ll all be happy 🙂

    It’s a beautiful day in Hashem’s world, let’s all enjoy it!

  10. #11,
    You are a bright fellow but i’m scared to find out your backgriund.
    You are very vauge and are writing about scary ideas and walking on dangerous thoughts.
    Please clarify what you mean in clear terms.

    Has Obama ever negotiated with anyone? He barely votes!
    Don’t forget to compare Obama to McCain not to Palin!

  11. Wishing all my fellow posters here a Good, Sweet Year in which we see the coming of Moshiach and return to our Holyland.

    But until then, at least have the sense to evaluate not only who will be a better president for EY, but a better one for Americans (of all ilks) as well. It isn’t about wearing flags on lapels or in offices – it’s about getting the big picture – that Islamofacists want to get rid of all of us and we have to end our dependence upon those who hate us.

    I’ve already made up my mind, and hint, it’s not the community organizer.

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