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Photo Essay: Levaya Of The Stretin Rebbe ZATZAL In Boro Park (Photos By JDN)

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2 Responses

  1. BDE

    Another loss to klal yisroel at the early age of 79
    Same age as Rebetzin Kanievsky, Rabbi Tendler of Ner Yisroel and the spinka rebbe of yerushalyim we’re niftar

    Anyone know what chapter in tehillim is 79? The perek of the exact tragic situation in eretz yisroel today and it was written over 3000 by Dovid hamelech.

    Do You think this is coincidence?

    This is another tragic loss for all of klal yisroel for not taking Hashems wakeup calls for teshuva so many times.

    May his neshama have an aliya

  2. A tremendous loss for Klal Yisrael when a Gadol is niftar. Baruch Dayan HaEmet.

    Does anyone know how the Rebbe zt”l was related to Rav Yehudah Tzvi Brandwein (foremost student of the Sulam, Rav Yehudah Leib Ashlag, 1885-1954) or his son Rav Avraham Brandwein (niftar in 2013)?

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