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Israel: Soldier Lightly Wounded in Acid Attack

An Arab threw a caustic substance at a soldier manning the Chawarah Checkpoint in Shomron on Monday morning, injuring him lightly-to-moderately in his face. The soldier was transported to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah. The attacker, a female PA (Palestinian Authority) resident, was taken into custody.

The attacker, in her 50s, used the “humanitarian” lane of the checkpoint, permitting her to pass without inspection. The army has ordered a lightening of restrictions are checkpoints in compliance with American pressure, and IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni has ordered even “more consideration” at checkpoints during the Muslim month of Ramadan.

Authorities believe the suspect in custody was also responsible for the acid attack at the same checkpoint two weeks ago, but that time, she succeeded in fleeing the scene.

In another “humanitarian case”, a company commander was recently sent to prison (reported HERE on YWN ) after an Arab baby was born stillborn after the officer adhered to protocol and delayed the woman in labor, realizing many times, PA residents take advantage of humanitarian gestures. In this case, the officer was the fall guy and was imprisoned for following regulations.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Let’s all add a new “siman” this coming Rosh Hashono… that all of our enemies’ babys should be stillborn so they cannot grow up to pursue us! Yasher Koach to the “fall guy” officer for following protocol; may he be released immediatelly and have a sweet New Year.

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