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MK Reuven Rivlin (Likud) was voted Israel’s 10th president on Tuesday, receiving the support of 63 Knesset members in a runoff vote against MK Meir Sheetrit (Hatnuah).

The voting in Knesset began at 11:00 on Tuesday morning, 12 Sivan 5774. The 120 Members of Knesset have the right to vote to elect Israel’s tenth president. A simply majority is required.

In the first round of voting earlier in the day, the candidates with the most votes were Reuven Rivlin and Meir Sheetrit, who moved to the second final round.

There were a total of 116 valid votes in round two. Zero were disqualified, and three “white (blank papers) ballots” In the final second round the race was won by Reuven Rivlin, who received 63 votes. Meir Sheetrit received 53 votes.

The State of Israel has elected a new president. The president is elected to a seven year term. The current president, Shimon Peres, will be stepping down this summer.

Former presidents of the state:

Shimon Peres: 2007-2014

Moshe Katsav: 2000-2007

Ezer Weizman: 1998-2000

Chaim Herzog: 1983-1988/1988-1993

Yitzchak Navon: 1978-1983

Ephraim Katzir: 1973-1978

Zalman Shazar: 1963-1968/ 1968-1973

Yitzchak Ben-Zvi: 1952-1957/ 1957-1962/ 1962-1963

Chaim Weizmann: 1949-1951/ 1951-1952

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

    The Rivlin family arrived in Israel in the mid 18th century and Rav Rivlin zt”l was involved in expanding the yishuv beyond the city walls. He was instrumental in building Mishkenot Shaashanim and Meah Shearim.

    The Rivlin clan numbers in the thousands in Israel(& outside) encompassing all sectors of Klal Yisroel. The majority are Torah and traditional Jews who live by the motto of “Darchei Noam”. Wishes of success as the new face to the State of Israel.

  2. #1 The original Rivlins were religious Jews and indeed instrumental in building some yishuvim in Eretz Yisrael, so what? What does it have to do with Reuven Rivlin a sheketz like Shimon Peres who even has greater yichus – being a grandson of the gaon Rav Chaim of Volozhin zt”l? Are any of these someone to be proud or for their ancestors in Heaven to be proud of? Definitely not.

  3. #3
    Rivlin isn’t the frummest guy but has over the years proven himself to be a man that respects mesorah. You can never compare him to Peres. Peres is extremely disconnected from frumkeit and rivlin has definitely shown mesorah to be part of his life. He even went to the kosel after he won with a kipa. You’ll never find peres doing this. Rivlin would never go to the vatican and chanfa the pope the way peres did. He would’ve had more boundaries.

  4. #3 it is evident that you have zero knowledge or awareness of who or what Ruby Rublin is connected to.

    So what that the original Ruvlin family built Meah Shearim & Sharei Chesed… That might be NO big deal to you yet the majority feels differently.

  5. You folks don’t realize that a person is judged ba’sher hu shum. If a person is a sheygitz, It doesn’t make a ki hu zeh who his dead yichus is.

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