Gov’t Unanimously Approves Ousting Attorney-General Gali Baharav Miara

Levin with the files against the Attorney-General. (Levin's Office)

Israel’s Cabinet convened on Sunday and unanimously approved a motion of no-confidence in Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara.

Baharav-Miara refused to attend the meeting, a move slammed by Justice Minister Yariv Levin, who headed the meeting as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu did not attend due to a conflict of interest.

At the beginning of the meeting, Levin said that he “views with great severity the Attorney General’s absence from the meeting,” and called it “further proof of the depth of contempt she has for the government and its members and that she has no answers to the claims against her.”

Channel 14 News reported that Levin’s complaints were sent to Baharav-Miara several weeks ago in order to allow her adequate time to address the claims but she chose not to do so.

Levin said: “The proposal we are bringing is to express a lack of confidence in the Attorney General.The Attorney General repeatedly thwarts government policy and does not offer alternatives and thwarts appointments in the civil service as was done in the case of the Civil Service Commissioner. In addition, she refused to represent the government as of the date of submission of the document 14 times, an increase of 2100 percent (!) compared to the previous government. And she was not even satisfied with that, but actually prevented the government from using alternative representation and insisted on ‘representing’ it in several cases against its position.”

Baharav-Miara sent a letter to the ministers before the meeting in which she had the audacity to accuse the government of “acting above the law.”

“The government seeks to be above the law and act without oversight and checks and balances, even in the most sensitive times – a state of emergency, protests against the government, and an election period,” she wrote. “The proposal seeks not confidence but loyalty to the political echelon. Not governance, but governmental power without limits.”

“Since the establishment of the government, I and the entire government legal advisory system have been working together with the government to advance its policies,” she claimed. “The claim of a lack of effective cooperation is detached from reality. The data and facts speak for themselves.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. It doesn’t matter. The dictatorial oligarchs on the ruling Israeli junta, aka the Supreme Court will rule that the dictatorial Attorney General has the absolute right to be in office for eternity and to dictate all government laws and policies according to her royal whims.

  2. Well, the A-G is correct in one thing: the data and the facts do indeed speak for themselves – but they don’t say what she is saying!

  3. As they say a day late and a dollar short

    The Likud is a weak party they need to be replaced by a strong Jewish Frum right

  4. The goverment is the people. This A-G was being the prime minister without being elected. The A-G must definitely be loyal to the political echelon. That’s what democracy is, rule by the people. The Shabak and A-G can no longer be a state within a state and rule the country unelected meaning according to their own upbringing and religious orientation. They represent the old Zionist dream of reshaping the Jewish people in their image with the minority controlling the majority. That’s not democracy, if you believe in democracy. Now let’s take care of the Bagatz next.

  5. -(expletive)- her.
    She should die a slow and painful death במהרה בימינו אמן that שרמוטה בת זונה שתישרף אינשאללה

  6. “Unanimously” usually means there were no dissenters. However, this lady is still here, and they’ve been trying to dump her forever. So it seems that they will never be able to lose this loser, undoubtedly because the corrupt supreme court will ensure her survival.

  7. She’s actually playing her part perfectly.
    She is answerable to her bosses. The ones who built and designed the Supreme Court.
    The government is essentially a puppet theater to keep the Hoi polloi under the impression that the politicians they elected are acting at all times in the people’s best interest.
    She’s just getting freaked out the public is catching on the ruse. So she plays hardball.
    But she’s really just doing her job loyally.

  8. What a shame that these theatrics won’t actually lead to anything. The Israeli Justice minister is a good man with the right approach but he has almost no power Injustice compared to these leading oligarchs that hate Torah and hate anything holy. They will be laughing at him and she will not be stepping down

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