PHOTOS: Hagaon HaRav Meilich Biederman On Purim (Photos For YWN Via Shuki Lerer)

7 Responses

  1. Nice pictures, but why are many of him smoking? Maybe we should skip those for Chinuch reasons???

    I don’t know if he only smokes on purim or all year, but no need to encourage the behavior or to celebrate his greatness with disparaging photos… Most poskim hold it’s assur to smoke, so even if he disagrees, it’s not something to highlight. If I were the editor, those don’t get published… May we all be healthy, and wishing R’ Meilich arichus yamim in good health!

  2. You should not post pictures of the Rav smoking. I am dan le zechut, that he has a cheshbon for doing something that every posek says is assur. However it can be misunderstood and viewed as a heter to smoke.

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