In a momentous meeting of gedolei Torah in Eretz Yisroel, Rav Uri Deutsch, one of Lakewood’s foremost rabbanim, sat down with the venerated Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Dov Landau, to discuss a matter that weighs heavily on Klal Yisroel’s collective heart—the ongoing shidduch crisis.
With Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsch’s proposal quickly gaining traction in America, Rav Uri sought daas Torah from the revered Rosh Yeshiva: Is it appropriate to ask girls to wait before entering shidduchim while encouraging boys to begin earlier?
Without hesitation, Rav Dov’s response was unequivocal: Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary solutions.
Not only did Rav Dov Landau endorse the plan, but in a resounding show of achrayus, he added his signature to the kol koreh calling for its implementation, joining a growing chorus of gedolei Torah.
The proposal—for boys to enter shidduchim earlier while girls wait slightly longer—is a bold one, a shift in the long-standing system that the gedolim backing it are not taking lightly.
With this historic haskama from one of the ziknei hador hador, the call to action has grown louder than ever.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
20 Responses
If they put into Cherem, forbidding any social contact, with any girl who gets engaged before age 23 (and her husband to the Cherem if they actually get married) , it can have a stronger affect.
Boys earlier but why make girls wait. Learn from the chassidim. Marry at 17 18 not past twenty. You can marry and go learn. Why stay single. No wonder chassidim are taking over as they marry young and by the time a non chosid marrys at 23 or 24 the chosid has four or five kids.
This settles it once and for all as the gadol hador himself endorses this change. I do not understand how anyone can go against this, when ALL the gedolim are now on board. Anyone coming out against this monumental change deserves to be put in cherem it is mamosh sakonos nefoshos of our helige maydoloch.
That’s the solution for everyone and everyone will be happily married . Problem solved!)) .
What’s our next problem to solve 100 percent?
Not sure why the girls need to be begged to wait ?
Do they think they have a crisis or don’t they ?
Hahahahaha !
I do not understand how anyone can be commenting on internet news sites, when ALL the gedolim are now on board that internet is chazir treif.
And your assertion that one who does not want to postpone marrying off his daughter sooner should be put in cherem reminds me of how Miriam lectured her father Amram – Totty – you are worse than Pharaoh who only wanted to kill the boys !! Totty – you are holding back both boys and girls from being born
I am dumbfounded as to how the achrayos is being taken to hold back girls of marriageable age from creating there future doros.
BH lets get this started….its to late for me. But at least others with get helped…
Signed lonely single girl
A sincere yasher koach to all the rabbanim and askanim involved in this effort. The pain of waiting for a shidduch is immense, and it is heartwarming to see such concern in addressing this massive issue.
I personally know amazing girls who are still waiting, davening, and hoping. Seeing this initiative gives me such comfort knowing Klal Yisroel truly cares and real change is possible! Thank you to all involved for your efforts!! It means the world!!!
Oy vey, this is what the oilam came up with?! This is the eitzah hagedolah to fix the shidduch crisis?! To push bochurim to get married when they’re still kids, barely outta their diapers?! What in the world is going on here?!
A bochur at 18, 19—he’s just shtiging, barely figuring himself out, finally getting a shmeck of real learning, and now we’re telling him, “Nu, time to get married”? Does anybody think for one second about the responsibility, the achrayus, the parnassah, the chinuch, the whole sugyah of building a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel?! Since when do we make takanos based on numbers alone, without looking at the real metzius of a bochur’s growth and readiness?!
And the bnos Yisroel—what kind of eitzah is this for them? To make them wait?! What does that even mean? A girl who’s ready for marriage should wait around because we suddenly decided to make a takanah?! Since when do we play with people’s lives like this?!
Can someone be masbir this to me?
It’s a joke but………..dem girls gotta learn gefilta fish
I heard that going to the Army is a segulah for a good shidduch both for boys and girls. Torah hints of that in the parsha of yefas tora. A freiliche Purim to all.
The Pic of a gabai saying over something while rav uri is quiet , with no papers with data…is not a shaloh of the dor is discussed and paskened
Pls put up the video of the whole shakla vetarya ,
Real Yid: Please Please Please stop spreading misinformation, pessimism and cynicsm, about the Shidduch crisis and the solution, between 85-95 percent of the girls are EITHER WAY CURRENTLY not getting engaged before the Shavous after the first year in seminary. They simply feel bad that they can’t get dates – the reason for which is that they started shidduchim too early. The small percentage that got engaged before then will now wait a few more months, which will hurt no one, and ensure they and all other Bnos Yisroel have a more leveled playing field when they do enter shidduchim after Shavous. The solution presented by the Gedolim, is backed by Daas Torah, data, and plain old common sense.
Even if it isn’t a complete solution, it is the start of Klal Yisroel solving this problem bezh, instead of just complaining about it, and the success of this solution will breed the success of other solutions, building off the momentum of the successful implementation of this solution.
For the sake of Klal Yisroel, Bnos Yisroel, Your Neshama after 120 and your guilty conscience, please don’t be cool a hot bathtub )אמבטיא רותחת), and spread misinformation, cynicism and pessimism. בשם השם נעשה ונצליח
Your comparison to the Chasidish world (which has its own crisis of older boys who can’t find shidduchim) is exceptionally unhelpful. If you care so much about the Litvish system, take out a Tehilim and cry to the Ribono Shel Olam, spend a few minutes thinking about countless Bnos Yisroel who feel rejected, dejected, and unwanted in the current system, and then call the Rabbonim and Askanim privately, who give up their learning time, family time, and business time to help Klal Yisroel and ask how you can help.
(I don’t know who you are, and I have nothing personal against you, I’m sure you are a wonderful caring member of Acheinu Beis Yisroel, nevertheless, the gravity of the situation we find ourselves in is the reason for the above comment. Ah Frelichin Purim, and may you and your family see nothing but Simcha Vnachas Mtoch Harchavas Hadaas.)
One point the girls are already waiting , what percent are engaged by a yr after sem ?
Anyone coming out against this monumental change deserves to be put in cherem
You are obviously trolling. Do you think every gadol on the moetzes in the US agrees?
Think again.
Everyone should ask his own rosh hayeshiva/manhig.
In honor of Purim, no more shidduch crisis?
Is the crisis all gone now?
Goodbye NASI ! ??
What I find really incredible and horrifying at the same time is that today many people have no embarrassment whatsoever to just put a big Rabbi down when they don’t agree with what he said. Even the non-religious people of yesteryear as recent as 40 years ago would never talk against the rabbi, they would ask for a blessing and acknowledge his holiness. Today that all went out the window. Rabbis are expected to meet popularity standards of the public. The minute they say something that the average imbecile disagrees with they throw him to the garbage right away. And these are people who wear a kippa and call themselves shomer Shabbos. How far we have fallen
To lakewood bt
Trust me if one of the litvisha Gedolim had a daughter or granddaughter who wanted to marry at 18 to a yeshiva boy he would allow it. He would not have her wait till 20 or 21. By that time she may elope.
To lakewoodbt
I would marry off my daughters at 18 and if I am put in cherem I will daven in a Chassidisha or heimisha shul where they all try to marry off their daughters young. Better be in cherem than have an old non married daughter running around the house.