The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah published a letter on Tuesday morning calling for a yom tefillah against the Israeli judicial system’s efforts to draft bnei yeshivos.
The letter, written by the Rosh Yeshivah of Slabodka, HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau, calls for the Yom Tefillah to take place in frum communities throughout the world on Thursday, Taanis Esther.
The letter states: “לך כנוס את כל היהודים – at a time like this, when they have declared war against the Olam HaYeshivos and they are plotting to, chalilah, draft lomdei Torah, along with many other decrees against the Olam HaTorah – the koach of Am Yisrael is only in their months and it is our duty to plead before the Creator of all worlds and to arouse His mercy on his Am.”
“Therefore, we will all gather for a day of tefillah on Taanis Esther, which is mesugal to tefillah, to come before the King, להיקהל ולעמוד על נפשנו in a tefillas rabim in all corners of the world, and to plead to Him for the entire Olam HaTorah and for each and every lomeid Torah. אבינו מלכנו בטל מעלינו כל גזירות רעות וקשות”.
“Am Yisrael in every location, men, women, and children, should gather for the recitation of Tehillim and tefilla, one a bit more and one a bit less, as long as each person directs their heart to Shamayim, and the Bnei Yeshivos should increase their limmud. And the cry of Bnei Yisrael should rise up for the Olam HaTorah and Klal Yisrael הנתונים בצרה ובשביה.”
“And Hakadosh Baruch Hu should have mercy on us and redeem us from all our troubles and may we be zocheh to a yeshuah gedolah like in the days of Mordechai and Esther. עת צרה היא ליעקב וממנה נושע, ואין לנו להישען אלא על אבינו שבשמים”.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
17 Responses
I recall that after fasting, Jews took weapons in their hands.
In E”Y the עת צרה is the drafting of Bnei Torah – in the UK the Eis Tzoroh is the threat to pure Chinuch!
My heart is with them! How unfortunate that so many of our fellow jews openly call to go against gedolei yisrael in this matter, they should be annihilated and forgotten Amen
Hang on a minute. If the learning of the yeshivah bochurim protects the whole State, why can’t that same learning protect the bochurim themselves?
How unfortunate that the מועצת קטני התורה don’t have it within their hard hearts to daven on behalf of the חטופים or חיילי צה”ל
As usual focused only on themselves
If the chief of the army was a truly great rebbe than all Chareidim would join. It would mean no women or secular Israelis in the army. The army would simply win this war in a month. There would be no food,water,fuel,medicine,electricity,internet and media allowed in.
We would level every building with fire power from a distance from planes and tanks and ships. We would show the world only Oct 7 massacre film and keep the sympathy with Israel. It’s that simple but you have goyisha kep running the army who only care about their positions. In the tactic above we wouldn’t lose one soldier. After all buildings are leveled and all tunnels are unbreathable as you need fuel to run the air conditioning,all of Hamas would be above ground. We would then have Arab boats drive everyone to Europe. Let them make havok among our European Jew haters. Then we can move in hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers to live in Gaza as their homes while they work in Israel. The good thing about this is that Arabs cannot marry Chinese as they are not Christian’s or Jewish. We can have them take over all the sensetive jobs in hospitals,nursing homes,restaurants and construction.
To always ask questions
You say Jews took weapons in their hands after fasting. Yes but it was all religious Jews not mixed with girls,trans and homos. The army of the Jews would have no mercy on their enemies like todays woke lefty Israeli pork eating government and army.
Shame on those keyboard warriors that speak against our holy gedolim and think they know better than someone who sat with the torah for 70 years while you barely opened a chumash once. Keep quiet if you don’t agree, don’t be a korach!
The Zionists mean business they have emptied their prisons of blood stained terrorists in order to make room for yeshiva bochurim
If it wasn’t for those soldiers
Arab terrorists would be on the doorsteps of your yeshiva .
Shame on you all ,who don’t have hakaras hatov to the soldiers.
I’d take this leader’s letter more seriously if he’d have seen it fit to call for a Yom Tefila when there was a real physical danger to Klal Yisrael, with Tefilos targeted l’zechus those who were literally risking life and limb to defend their fellow Jews – including the Kefuyei Tov who write and listen to letters like this one. There are plenty of real threats to Klal Yisrael – letters like this against a false danger only serve to turn people against Torah and those who purport to be follow it.
Bemakom Chilul Hashem – Ein Cholkin Kavod l’Rav. And yes, that refers to a real Rav too – so please don’t start asking how people dare challenge the “Gedolei haDor”. They are causing a Chilul Hashem by their words and actions, and while not diminishing them as Rabbanim, there is a Chiyuv to call it out.
an Israeli Yid
Satmar and neturei karta are correct. The evil against Frum Jews is still here since the beginning of the state.
Destroying Yemenite children
Destroying spiritually holocaust survivors
Forced autopsies
Pork stores
Tattoo shops
Shabbos violations
Gay parades
Stopping Yom Kippur davening with mechitzah
Stopping hakofas that have separate men women dancing
Drafting yeshiva boys
Digging up graves of sages
Forcing streets to be open shabbos
Turning Israel into a Sodom.
When you are at odds with the gedolei yisrael what do you think is going to become of you in the end? You think Hashem is going to save someone like you who spoke against his people everyday? Why would he want you to be any part of the Redemption with the way you speak as if this man did not spend his entire life learning, while you did what exactly? You are barking up the wrong tree IsraeliYid and its.going to be a painful ending
rebEmes – I’ll take my chances, especially when (a) I have many, many Rabbanim (whom you and your fellow travelers will, of course, dismiss as not being “real” Rabbanim – but that’s your issue, not mine) on whom to rely, and (b) I base myself on Maamarei Chazal (such as above, regarding makom Chilul Hashem), Rishonim, and Achronim for the positions I take.
I call out hypocrisy when I see it – and I actually appreciate that YWN (usually) allows positions contrary to their own editorial line to be presented here when well-expressed and founded on our Mesorah so that the issue can be discussed – so thank you, YWN. If you have a logical, fact-based, and compelling counterargument to what I say, then please – let me hear it and let’s discuss. But don’t just say “the Gedolim said it” – that’s not an argument but a cop-out.
an Israeli Yid
You recall that was done as per Mordechai who was on the Sanhedrin and with permission of the king, as opposed to the Zionists that are a rebellion against G-d and, liHavdil, the nations.
The more the Zionists attack the Torah and its learners, the more they endanger themselves. So, yes, even in your idolatrous Zionist world, they are actually seeking your protection. But you wouldn’t know daas Torah from your Zionist idolatry.
משיב חכמים אחור
When the wise act foolishly and unwisely. Woe to our generation that it’s leaders distort Torah.