Six years ago, the Torah world in America united in an unprecedented way during HaRav Shlomo Kanievsky’s weeks-long trip to the United States to save Yeshiva Kiryas Melech in Bnei Brak. From New York to Los Angeles and cities in between, Yidden opened their hearts to support Yeshiva Tiferes Tzion/Kiryas Melech. HaRav Shlomo assumed full financial responsibility for the yeshiva, following the guidance of his father, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, and his grandfather, Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, who urged him to do whatever was necessary to ensure its growth and vitality.
Now, HaRav Shlomo Kanievsky, son of the Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim zt”l, will daven by his father’s kever on his 3rd yartzeit. During the davening, the names submitted will be recited along with the specific needs—be it shidduchim, parnassah, or anything else.
Kiryas Melech, the yeshiva so dear to Rav Chaim—as the Sar HaTorah declared, “his saving (the yeshiva) is my saving”—remains a tremendous major Torah. Submit your name and contributing to Kiryas Melech now: