Exorbitant Filter Pricing

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    I am writing as a bochur who is sincerely working on maintaining kedushah in an increasingly challenging world. The struggle for shmiras habris is real, and for many of us, having proper internet filtering is not just a convenience—it’s a necessity. However, the current high costs of premium computer (not smartphones which are subsidized) filters such as Techloq and GenTech make this struggle hard.

    For a bochur, especially one who may be in yeshiva or just starting out in life, finances are often very limited. When the only high-quality filtering options come at a steep price, it creates a painful dilemma: either take the risk of using unfiltered or poorly filtered internet, or strain to afford the protection needed for spiritual well-being.

    Filtering should not be a business—it should be a chessed. Just as organizations exist to help with tzedakah, food, and medical expenses, the fight for kedushah should be a communal responsibility. Instead of operating for profit, internet filters should be sponsored by those who care about the ruchniyus of Klal Yisrael, ensuring that every Yid will be able to access that protection without any financial strain. No one should have to make that choice- which many times will leave spritual pursuits by the wayside.

    Many of us deeply want to do the right thing but feel that proper tools are being placed out of reach. A more affordable solution—or at least financial assistance for those who need it—would make a world of difference in ensuring that every bochur has access to this protection.

    I urge those in positions of influence to recognize this reality and work towards making internet filtering more affordable and accessible, so that maintaining Kedusha can be something we can all strive for.

    Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this concern. I hope that together, we can find a way to make internet safety a priority for all!

    – A Bachur with an unfiltered laptop, striving for more!

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