The latest findings from the Pew Research Center confirm what any Yid could see with his own eyes: American Jews are more exiled from Hashem than ever before. In 2014, already a distressing 45% of Jewish adults admitted they seldom or never daven. But now the number has climbed to 58%, a staggering decline in personal connection to Hashem.
It gets worse. Fewer Jews in the U.S. even claim that religion is important in their lives. Jewish institutions—outside of the tzibbur of shomrei Torah u’mitzvos, of course—are in freefall, struggling to keep people engaged.Tthey talk about a “surge” in Jewish identity because of the horrors of October 7th, but their solution has not been to turn to teshuvah. Sadly, they think a fleeting moment of solidarity is enough to replace what has sustained Klal Yisroel since Har Sinai.
To make matters even clearer, the Pew survey shows that Jews in America daven less than nearly every other religious group. Among Muslims, only 18% say they rarely or never pray. Among evangelicals, it’s a mere 7%. The only group lower than American Jews are those who follow the New Age movement, with is shtus and narishkeit by any standards.
Perhaps the most painful statistic of all: A growing number of Jews no longer identify with Yiddishkeit at all, except as some vague cultural inheritance. Half of those in this group actually identify as Christians—a horrifying sign of the continued assimilation that has plagued us for generations.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
9 Responses
Wail for the Shechinah that lies in the dust on our account! Wail for the sons and daughters that do not feel this! Ovinu shebaShomayim want us to look for Him Boruch Hu, to bring Him in our lifes! He will never reject us however far we have strayed. SHUVU SHUVU BANIM SHOIVAVIM! He loves us like nobody else does. He will never reject us, unless Rachmana Litzlan we reject Him!
The majority of non-frum Ashkenazim in America who did not become baalei teshuva
during the 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s, and 1990’s
assimilated and intermarried;
their children and grandchildren are not Halachically Jewish.
Bernie Sanders’ grandchildren are not Halachically Jewish.
He and George Soros are among the millions whom would now be impossible to be mekarev.
ברוך אתה השם אלוקינו מלך העולם שלא עשני נכרי
“The latest findings from the Pew Research Center confirm what any Yid could see with his own eyes: American Jews are more exiled from Hashem than ever before.”
A Yid is NEVER exiled from Hashem.
I wonder what per cent of Heimish Jews daven and don’t talk during davening. You would be surprised. We need to do kiruv krovim.
Nimshalu lekochavim venimshalu liafar
When they rise they rise to the stars when they fall they fall to the dust
You are exaggerating by a lot. First, all the women that married out their children are 100% Jewish. 2nd, I have plenty of nonfrum friends & relatives who married Jews just because they’re on the same page as their spouses & appreciate a lot of the Jewish culture, community & wisdom.
A good friend when I was a kid was a boy from a completely Hippie, Secular, Atheist family. But both parents were Jews. My close friend who is a real Reform Jew is married to a Jew. He doesn’t go to Temple but he’s very into Tikkun Olam & very involved in Jewish issues.
My mostly uninvolved Reform relative is also married to a Jew.
I could give many more personal examples but I think I’ve made my point
The Gemora in Maseches Megillah describes the generation at the time of Mordechai and Esther as empty of mitzvos. Nonetheless, HaShem’s, love for us brought about a nes which save ALL the Yidden from certain death.
why the headline “CRY FOR KLAL YISROEL”
those Jews aren’t part of “Klal Yisroel”