What should have been a quiet evening turned into a nightmare for Maurice Benaim, a Jewish man who was brutally beaten by a mob of bike-riding teenagers in a violent, unprovoked attack that left him injured and shaken.
Benaim had planned nothing more than a quick run to the store for tangerine juice and food before settling in. But as he stopped at an intersection near San Vicente Boulevard and Carillo Drive in Los Angeles, his night took a terrifying turn.
A swarm of 20 to 30 teens on bicycles had taken over the roadway. When Benaim honked his horn to signal the green light, the group became hostile, surrounding his vehicle. The situation escalated rapidly—one teen smashed his right taillight and another threatened that he had a gun in his bag.
Feeling trapped, Benaim got out of his car to confront the group, only to be met with a brutal beating. The teens threw him to the ground, delivering blows to his face and head as he struggled against the violent assault.
“It’s a sad thing to have to deal with in general,” Benaim told NBC Los Angeles. “I’m thankful to G-d that it wasn’t worse, but no one should have to worry about this happening.”
The attack ended only when bystanders intervened, causing the mob to scatter. Benaim, battered and bleeding, was left to grapple not only with physical injuries but also with the emotional trauma of the assault.
A photo shared by his brother on GoFundMe revealed a large bruise covering Benaim’s upper right eyelid, a painful reminder of the night’s violence. The family launched the fundraiser to help cover the cost of medical bills, car repairs, and therapy to help Benaim cope with the severe psychological impact of the attack.
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) confirmed that two of the juvenile suspects involved in the attack were arrested on February 26 after authorities received a tip.
However, police have not released the names, ages, or charges of the two suspects. The search continues for others involved in the brutal assault.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
9 Responses
What is wrong with our world?! Every single one of these animals seem to be of the kind that the President wants sent back “home”. And they should be.
UncleMo: No, these are descendants of the ones Abraham Lincoln wanted to send home.
This is exactly what transpires in a crazy woke left wing blue state. Ice needs to carefully peruse these pictures & deport every single one of these filthy savages ימח שמם וזכרונם and critically urgent for California to become a Red State.
Why was this Iranian guy, who claims to be Jewish, driving his car on Shabbos afternoon? If you go to the fundraiser page for him, it says clearly that it happened Shabbos February 22, at around 4PM. Furthermore, why did he get out of his car to confront the group. If it was 20-30 kids, as stated here, who did he think he was to take them on? Superman?
Where’s Dov hikind
If they got 2 of them they will get all of them. However, with this happening in CA they won’t get the punishment they deserve.
Just wondering, what kind of people raise these kind of thugs. They seem to be imigrant children who experience this behavior at home.
Lemayseh: Being in your car is no guarantee of safety with an angry mob. I hope they catch each one.
Bookmom: I am tired of these mechalelei Shabbos befarhesya – open Sabbath desecrators – R”L, engaging in open rebellion against Hakodosh Boruch Hu and our holy Torah, getting into trouble, and then crying for the Jewish community to bail them out for the problem that they caused with their improper behavior, at a high cost. The same thing happened in Eretz Yisroel in the end of Tishrei 5784 when some made a music festival of open rebellion against Hashem on Shabbos/Yom tov. They separated themselves from HKB”H and am Yisroel, so they reap what they sowed. The holy Shabbos is a shemira. Those who reject it, make themselves vulnerable.
Every destroyer thinks he is just pruning the tree.
Including yourself.
WHile your fealty to the Torahs dictates certainly is commendable, you have yet to control/channel those feelings into something constructive. And so you destroy.
You likely wont believe what I’m saying is of sound hashkafa, for this i point you to
maseches Taanis, top of page 4a, to the fiery effect of learning, and our responsibility to channel it properly.
I further reffer you to the Introduction by the Netziv to his sefer He’emek Davar, on Bereishis, where he discusses the concept of Yashrus and how it pertains even to ‘evildoers’.
And of course, there is the ultimate classic, sefer Tomer D’vorah which is required basics for any foray into this topic.
Wishing you much Hatzlacha!