How Trump can become problematic

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    1. By cooperating with Russia to end the war on terms favorable to Russia, Trump sends the message that the USA does not keep its commitments, and more importantly, he alienates almost all of Europe. In addition, he has threated long term allies such as Denmark and Canada. This sends a message to Russia and China (and their associates in Iran and North Korea) that countries the US has supported will no be supported and will be easy pickings.. And by destroying, or withdrawing from, NATO, the USA will have no bases in Europe and only limited access to the Middle East. The next time Iran launches a massive rocket attack on Israel, the US and its allies won’t be there to help Israel , whereas Iran will be able to get help from their allies (Russia and China). Israel will need to be able to defeat Russia and China, and without any help other than from Jewish communities abroad.

    2. Civil Service, at least for the last 60 years, has been a leading source of employment for frum Jews. Unlike private employers, they take religious accommodation seriously. Shrinking the civil service, as Trump/Musk claim to favor, will hurt us more than the non-Jews.

    3. Some of Trumps policies are likely to backfire and increase the chance of a Democratic president with control of Congress by 2029, and perhaps one in which the “Progressive” (WOKE) caucus is dominant. Trump’s approach to Tariffs and to deporting gainfully employed illegal aliens is inflationary. Cuts to the IRS and Social Security mean refund checks will be late coming, and benefits (especially for new beneficiaries) from Social Security will be delayed. Trump’s open hostility to non-MAGA Republicans mean that in elections, especially if the opponent is a “sane” (non-WOKE) Democrats, Trump will lose votes to the Democrats (though as we saw in the last election, most non-MAGA Republicans prefer Trump to a “progressive” Democrat). The Progressive (WOKE) caucus of the Democratic party is highly anti-Semitic. They are the ones who think well of Hamas and raise money to help them kill more Jews. They are the one who want to close down Jewish education and ban bris milah. Anything that brings them closer to power is bad news for us.

    Thus, even though Trump is clearly a “friend” who means us well, the impact of his policies could end up be devastating for Jews, both in golus and Eretz Yisrael.

    Baruch D

    More sad than Trump is the fact that so many otherwise same people have been utterly brainwashed. If this were Biden they would be all over him. It’s so sad to see our community mostly brainwashed. Rip GOP.


    1. The President is not taking Russia’d side. He is still sending lethal arms to Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers. He is a tactical negotiator and his antics are his negotiating tactics to end the war that has now been going on since 2014, eleven years and with no end in sight without Trump’s intervention.

    2. He is not withdrawing from NATO.

    3. Civil Service (government) employees should NOT have better job protection or employee benefits than private sector employees. And the government workforce is highly bloated and way overdue for severe downsizing to save taxpayer money. The first to go should be the do-nothing employees who sit on their hands all day and do nothing. It’s high time to stop coddling the government politically connected union thugs obtaining things no private sector business would ever agree to.

    4. I agree that tariffs are not helpful and are liable to backfire. I’m hoping, and believe it is reasonable to speculate, that President Trump’s game-plan is to use the threat of them as leverage to obtain terms from other countries more beneficial to the United States before he drops the threat of tariffs on any particular country.


    All excellent points. There are so many obvious opportunities to scale back inefficient and outdated government programs that can be done surgically and would have very widespread support. Instead, their meat-axe approach seems driven by petty vindictiveness and anger and in the process, squandering so much of the support he had just 4 weeks ago. Their treatment of Zelensky on Friday should serve as forceful reminder to Netanyahu that Trump can throw you under the bus quicker than you can say MAGA if you fail to engage in the most obsequious flattery and agree to his demands, no matter how outrageous.



    1) you wrote “Unlike private employers, they take religious accommodation seriously” . I have worked at quite a few corporations. They are over catious about every religous accommodation possible too. In fact to the point that its almost embarrassing when they make an issue about kosher food bending themselves over 5 times more than they need to.
    2) “Cuts to the IRS and Social Security mean refund checks will be late coming,” I just filed my taxes and got a refund check quicker than ever within two days. I think some of this is copy and paste talking points but just not tge reality. its probably true that if you want to speak to someone at the IRS, good luck now. But simple e-files which are the majority are fine.
    3) To the big concern The fate of the jews. Yes it could invoke the WOKE caucus and that is a possibility But firstly, right now it seems to have weakned them. In the last MAGA wave a few of them lost. Many more are now scared to go too left because of the backlash. So your argument is surely a concern but it doesn’t seem to be the case. Moreover and most importantly, this isn’t normal times rather its a pivotal time for Israel and its safety. This war and its outcome can decide its fate for many years to come. Its a time of emergency now. That means we need to worry about the present moment. Moderates who try to appease both sides even when pro Israel (Like Biden who was an ohev ysireol) leave speace for Hamas to flourish. We need a strong man like Trump who isn’t sacred to tell the arab world the way it is and set the tone. The world has to know that the Gaza resioltuions starts with the fact that Gaza is one big terror cult. You can’t reason with a cult like Jonestown (or lev Tahor).. You also can’t defeat a cult of 2M people who will die to their deaths. Any rebuilding without breaking up that cult just strengthens the cult leaders. It doesn’t matter if its Hamas or some other name as its front. Its still one big cult. It needs to be busted. The Trump plan of relocating them is radical but it brings out a very clear point to the world. You need deradicalize those crazies. And this is very very crucial for the world to hear. By the USA havi9ng Bibi back it ensures Hamas never rebuilds to its glory. This is a matter of life and death. Now is not the time to worry about the long future. its like rushing a patient in for risky emergency surgery to save his/her life. the furtre just becomes so irrleavnt.. The focus needs to be on the present.


    Well said !
    I would add, that if Trump asked Zelenskyy rare minerals in return for sending arms to Ukraine – what will he ask of Israel in return for sending arms to Israel? I shudder to think, perhaps Judea & Samaria?
    I cant believe he won’t ask for something in return.
    Biden, on the other hand, never asked for anything as he sent tons and tons and tons of arms to Israel for over a year. And yet, our coreligionsts hate him . Insanity is gripping the world !!

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    All Biden asked for is Israel to hold back from destroying Hamas. Nothing major, right Yechiell?

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