MAILBAG FROM A YESHIVA ADMINISTRATOR: The Chillul Hashem Created By Dov Hikind By The Boro Park Protest

As an administrator of a school located on 50th St. between 13th and 14th Avenues (there are 3 large schools on that block), I was intimately involved in the askonis over the last three days.

We administrators were terrified of the protest taking place in front of our schools at the same time that we dismiss our students. There are over 1000 girls that are dismissed on this block on a given day.

Upon the attention this event generated, the initial location grew very concerned and no longer wanted this event to take place at their facility. We were working closely with the Boro Park leaders and askonim, as well as daas Torah, and the difficult decision was made to cancel this event.

Having said that, a new location, 14 blocks away was booked. All perspective attendees who pre-registered were called and notified of the new location.

All was going well. On social media event was canceled, but in reality the event was moving forward.

Then came known opportunist Dov Hikind, without consulting anyone, and decided it was HIS duty to announce to the world the new location. Within minutes the pro Palestinian protesters updated their flyers and as a result, the pro Israel supporters immediately followed suits. From here on out all hell broke loose, and there was no looking back.

I know there will be countless comments and blame going around in WhatsApp groups, but as someone with firsthand knowledge, Dov Hikind tweeting out the new location was the one action that could’ve prevented all of this, but unfortunately, he couldn’t help himself because he needs to tweet. Sad.

Name withheld upon request.

The views expressed in this letter are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of YWN. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send it to us for review. 

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

27 Responses

  1. This is only half the story. Heshy Tischler made 100 videos and encouraged both sides to come out and beat each other bloody. Sorry Heshy took a beating. Beat part is, Heshy blames Kalman Yeger and Eichenstein.

    Just can’t make this up

  2. when he retired after 35 years of making believe he represented us (with the most liberal views and voting as a democrat for decades in the nys assembly) my rov made a ברוך שפטרני

  3. Chilul hashem is worse than anything. It’s not worth your olam haba to get videos online of you attempting to be superman. The world will still never take your side and you just make Jews look like hoodlums

  4. I was also involved the past 3 days. All day and all night. Dov Hikind is single-handedly responsible. Shame on him. We begged him not to do this. He told us all that if we back down then WE will make a chillul hashem.

    Go move to a hilltop near Hebron and burn Palestinian olive trees, you hater. You caused blood to spill. Get lost and never return to Boro Park ever again.

  5. I don’t think it falls under “chilul Hashem” to disclose the new location. If it is true and accurate, then it’s deaf dumb and stupid. Dangerous too. But why chilul Hashem? These days everything became chilul Hashem (or Kiddush Hashem) when most times it’s neither.

  6. I didn’t even read the letter. And ashamedly, I should probably not be coming on YWN if I want to do my best Hishtadlua to avoid reading Lashon Hara. I transgressed the negative commandment of not hearing/reading Lashon Hara or Motzi Shem Ra (I will be Dan L’Kaf Zechus and assume it is Motzi Shem Ra) just by reading the title of this article.

    YWN, you really are that obstacle in our paths. I honestly don’t get how you have the conscience to be okay with posting content that completely transgresses the laws of Shmiras Halashon. “YWN” should probably stand for “Your Weakness for News”. Or maybe change it to “YDYH” Your Daily Yetzer Hara.

    I wonder if this comment will even get approved… Oh well.

    And now I’ll go off to ponder what Zechus to choose to for my new Kabbalah bli neder of refraining from coming on YWN. (Or maybe I’ll limit it to ONLY opening YWN articles that people send and that they confirm have no Lashon Hara in them.) I believe this will be a huge Zechus.

    I am not perfect in any means, and I daven that Hashem help me improve my ways; even in Shmiras Halashon. And may you, too, YWN, recognize the harm you’re doing in Shamayim, the Aveiros that are accumulating, and your contribution to the delay of Moshiach, and may Hashem help you improve your ways.

  7. I disagree with the letter writer. The fearful Jew obediently standing in trepidation while a nazi laughingly shaves his face with a knife is a thing of the past we shall never return to. If we’re going down it’s not without a fight.

  8. Hikind is a one man show and a self promoting enterprise. If you view the videos, you
    willl see he is standing all alone as none of the chasidim or boro park residents wanted to be seen with him.
    He is yesterdays newspaper. No one is really interested in what he has to say.
    Simply stated, he has no following. No one is really interested in what he has to say and none of the torah or current political leadership is affiliated with him. He speaks for no one.
    This letter and the other commentators who have posted properly label him for what he truly is.

  9. Where were all community’s leaders not calling out on loudspeakers all over BP that NOT a single person should attend this protest. If NO one showed up those terrorists would of walked away with out any incident. The NYPD had it very well covered and they were gonna be looking like fools together with the Neturei Karta.
    Somehow our community leaders better plan for the future because they will definitely be here again.
    This incident brought them major publicity and got them the attention they were looking for.
    Should this repeat during Bein Hazmanim when thousands of bucherim are on the streets this can become a war zone.
    Gaza in Boro Park rachmune litzlon

  10. Dov Hikin has a point. Although there was legitimate reason why not to disclose the location, it does make the Jewish community look very weak and yellow. He did eat he thought was right.

  11. YES this is very much loshon horah. If you don’t like such protests move to Williamsburg or Monroe where there are no Israel real estate events. Obviously if this company is doing this in Boro Park there are enough people interested for it to be worthwhile for their business. Shtika kehoda, these protestors are animals who support the murder and abuse of Yidishe men, women, children, and babies they deserve to be called out, screamed at, and discouraged from coming anywhere near a Jewish community. I don’t even know why it’s legal for these scum to have these demonstrations, and where were they by real genocides like in Kurdistan, Darfur, Rwanda, etc…. They weren’t there because they couldn’t care less, they’re here because they hate Jews and would love to kill every last one including those stupid NK people hanging around with their friends who are the likes of Hitler and Hamas ym”s. Hikind did a lot for our communities in his years of service and he is a man who cares for Yidden and Eretz Yisroel. It is disgusting and a lack of hakaras hatov to talk about him like this.

  12. To the so-called administrator: Sign your name so we can know who this misguided individual is, running a school yet failing to understand what truly constitutes a chilul Hashem.

    Being a proud Jew and openly embracing your Judaism is not a chilul Hashem. That said, relocating to the outskirts of Boro Park for the safety of the children in these schools was the right decision. But why keep it a secret? These so-called askanim are nothing but frauds—the same type of people who, during WWII, misled the masses in Hungary to blindly follow orders, boarding trains that ultimately led to their deaths.

    I say this bluntly: Askanim do not represent Judaism. While some local rabbanim may occasionally align with them, many others strongly disagree. As a proud Jew, you should never hide your identity or be ashamed of it. It is truly alarming how ignorant one must be to claim that this situation has anything to do with chilul Hashem.

  13. I was there. It had nothing to do with Hikind or Tishler. Boro park residence came because it’s their neighborhood. why dont the administors condemn the neturei karta. How do you think the arabs found out about the israeli real estate expo in the first place. They scan Jewish media and tell the arabs about it. The NK didnt care that there are girls schools on the 50 street block where it was originally slated to be held. The Judenrat capos think that we should shove everything under the rug. It was not as violent as they make it out to be. i saw only one confrontation where hundreds of chassidim and others charged on three arabs walking by near the counter protesters. The arabs got a real beating. The only one who got a bloody nose was Tischler but he gave the arab a good shot in his face giving the arabs face a massive black and blue mark. As far as the big knife incident it was an Israeli guy who spotted the knife in an arabs bag and jumped the arab and pulled out the knife from the bag and gave it to the police who arrested the Arab. I also saw one video as young chassidusha kids were giving makos to some Arabs. Now tonight the expo is going to monsey. Most of neturei karta live in monsey so I am sure they will be there along with their arab buddies. Monsey people are different than Boro parkers. They will not sit up and make fake claims of Daas Torah.

  14. Where’s the line between Chilul HaShem and being proudly Jewish? If there was a law banning religious clothing in public – Kippas, Tzitzit, Hair Covering… I have no doubt that there’d be calls to break the law, and be proudly convicted for being Jewish. The question I really have – isn’t it a Chilul HaShem to appease groups that hate the Jews regardless? If I were to agree with Christian’s views on various topics, that are clearly wrong wouldn’t that be a tremendous Chilul HaShem… Likewise on the other side of the spectrum to lie down and be complacent about the supporters of those who wish us harm and destruction seems also a bit wrong. I’m seeking clarification for the parameters of Chilul HaShem.

  15. Dov hikend did us the biggest favor by exposing the site where the protest is going to be. I made a wedding yesterday in ateres golda we were worried beyond worry what’s going to be with this protest if if at all, we’re gonna have a normal wedding because of the protest thanks, Hashem and thanks Dov heikend moving everything to different area like this we were able to bring our daughter under the chupa with dignity and without the Palestinians crooks being there

  16. its time we put dov hikind in cherem as he does not follow daas Torah and is a rabble rouser, we should not instigate akum. in flatbush last year the askanim cancelled a similar event to be held in a shul as Daas Torah said to do so. We must follow daas Torah 100% if they say black is white we must say black is white, otherwise we are kefirim. Put Dov in cherem

  17. Although I am an daily (or rather 20 times daily) reader of YMN, and is my most visited sited and source of news, and I have never previously written anything negative about them, I must say that I blame YWN too in this.

    While other sites were reporting, at the request of the people involved, that the expo was cancelled (was done so that the protest should also be cancelled), YMN went out of their way to notify everyone that they know better than other sites ant that it wasn’t cancelled and, just a change of venue. See

    There was no reason to do that, as everyone who signed up to attend was notified about the venue change. This led to them knowing that it is being held somewhere else and figuring out where it is.

  18. The joke is the askanim who don’t want to rock the boat scream chillul H. Yet when they steal and do their shtick it’s ok. It’s holy. We are stealing for kedusha. There was nothing wrong with coming out to protest against those who support murder of Jews. Notice they don’t say a word against Neturei Karta. They are the ones who tell the Arabs where Jewish expos are held. Yet the askanim condemn Hikind. What chutzpah.

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