Dangerous scooters

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    I would just like to say that scooters should need a regular lisence like for a car. Just because it has two wheels instead of 4 doesn’t mean it’s any less dangerous. I was walking yesterday(I’m not going to say where) and a boy riding a scooter bumped into me knocking me over. He hastily said sorry and then continued on his way. If I would have done that when I was a kid I would have gotten a good spanking. Parents have to learn to control their kids, and not give in to their claims that “everyone has one”. They are dangerous machines intended for adults, not 13 year old kids. That said, I think someone with connections should try making a petition to ban these harmful machines


    Many Yeshivos ban all electric scooters.


    Maybe Yeshivos ban electric scooters.


    What’s wrong with celebrating the start of your adult life?


    if it was a car that hit you, you would be dead

    The little I know

    One might think the streets are more dangerous than the sidewalks, but in BP, that’s not true. Kids, teens, and adults are flying down the sidewalks in all sorts of vehicles, bikes, motorized bikes, scooters, delivery wagons, etc. Accidents are common, and near misses occur every day. These vehicles and their drivers are not licensed, and none carry liability insurance. I have personally observed hundreds of near misses, and a couple of knockovers. There are some yeshivos that are actually encouraging their talmidim to use bikes to come to yeshiva, as they are more apt to arrive on time or early. That is a nice idea, but יצא שכרו בהפסדו. The risks are far more serious. I would love to see these vehicles banned completely. It’s not about helmets. It’s about public safety.


    In the 1990s, New York City government created a new law
    that prohibited riding bicycles on New York City sidewalks.

    That law seems to have been forgotten, because
    electric scooters often ride on New York City sidewalks.

    Dr. Pepper

    @g08b couldnt have said it better myself

    But to quote the end of the first משנה in יומא

    אם כן, אין לדבר סוף״”

    Should we make all 18 wheelers have a “co-pilot” like the Staten Island Ferry? Is an incapacitated driver of an out of control big rig less dangerous than an incapacitated ferry captain?

    Should we make every vehicle on the road go through a D Check every six years like a 747 needs to? Is hidden corrosion on a car any less dangerous than hidden corrosion on an airliner? (And while we’re at it- if we required the same annual recurring training for drivers that are required of commercial airline pilots- many of the unsafe drivers would be removed.)

    Should we make every residential house and apartment have an emergency exit in every room? Is a fire in a bedroom blocking the lone doorway any less dangerous than a fire in a classroom?

    The answer is that in life, for the most part, everything is a balance and a price tag needs to be put on everything (unfortunately, this includes people’s lives). Obviously the government feels that it’s not cost efficient for the amount it would cost compared to the amount it would save.

    (@ commonsaychel – your post had me cracking up- thanks! Sorry for stealing your sense of humor.)

    Menachem Shmei

    if it was a car that hit you, you would be dead

    This is a correct and important distinction between cars and scooters.

    Scooters are indeed dangerous, but so are bikes. It’s really hard to avoid using these when you live on the city and need to get across town quickly, and the driving and parking is horrendous.

    If you want to get from one part of Brooklyn to the other, biking or scootering is by far the most efficient way.

    ☕️coffee addict


    Rabbi Bender has banned them from being brought to school (electric scooters) because of safety concerns to the rider


    Why hide the place? If a school does not supervise their students from participating in dangerous activities, they should be shamed for the aveiros
    Feel free to go to beis din and make parents and schools pay for your pain and embarrassment.

    anonymous Jew

    You’re missing the point. They serve a need BUT should not be on the sidewalk and must observe the traffic laws ( i.e. stop at stop signs and red lights, not ride against traffic )

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