HORRIFYING! Vandals Break Into Aron Kodesh, Destroy Sefer Torah In Bat Yam Shul

A heinous act occurred late Sunday night when vandals broke into a shul located in a public bomb shelter on David Remez Street in Bat Yam. The perpetrators forced open the Aron Kodesh using electric tools, throwing a Sefer Torah to the floor and stepping on it in an appalling act of bizayon HaTorah.

The scene of the desolation was discovered early Monday morning when mispallelim arrived for Shacharis. Police were called to the site, but according to witnesses, the responding officers showed indifference, staying only briefly and advising those disturbed to file complaints at the station.

One of the mispallelim, Avichai Shalom, expressed his belief that the attack was driven by Palestinian nationalist motives. “No Yid would go to such lengths to break into the Aron Kodesh just to desecrate a Sefer Torah,” he said. He noted that the shul had recently undergone renovations, with Arab workers carrying out the project.

The scene was described as devastating. “A Sefer Torah lay on the floor, its klafim torn,” Shalom recounted. “Other Aronei Kodesh in the shul were also broken into, but aside from two pushkas, nothing was stolen.”

The shul was located in a bomb shelter to provide a makom tefillah for residents during wartime sirens, and it had become a hub for the local community.

Despite the desecration, the gabbaim are determined to restore the kedushah of the shul. They are awaiting forensic investigators and have pledged to repair the damage and resume tefillos as soon as possible.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. YWN,
    I’m not here to criticize nor to Pasken. I just want to share my personal feelings. It’s bad enough that this happened and that we need to (obviously) hear about it, but in my opinion, it’s wrong to post pictures of it. It’s a קלון that perpetuates the בזיון that had already occurred. We live in a new world where everyone is a photographer and therefore a reporter and everything you ‘get’ you must “share” with others (a story/tragedy unto its own).
    Obviously for a news outlet the Nesayon is that much stronger.
    I’m sure you have some type of Rabbinic councel and I wonder if this was OK’d by them/him.

  2. every piece of this article just makes me angry/sad, yes the desecration is HORRIBLE, but a Jewish frum person taking a video of a sefer torah torn, lying in a mess on a table and zooming in on the footprints on the klaf!?

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