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Treasury Beginning to Look for a Suitable Office for Olmert

Tomorrow, Wednesday, the Kadima Party will hold its primary election to select a new party leader. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has announced that immediately following the election of a new leader, he would step down.

In any event, as a past prime minister, Mr. Olmert will be entitled to an office, driver, vehicle and other perks. Treasury officials are already looking into setting him up.

As a past prime minister, Olmert will earn a monthly salary of NIS 37,000. Should he decide to remain in Knesset, he will receive NIS 18,000 as a former minister, in addition to his MK salary of NIS 31,000.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. BS”D

    There are several offices available for a man of Olmert’s status and integrity. They are rent free and very secure, and are located in Ramle, Kfar Yona, and Shattah.

  2. He’s entitled to a driver?!?!? He should BE a driver!!! He should chauffeur around the family members of all the terror victims his policies created. He should be at their service for the rest of his life, to drive them, to wash their floors and their clothes, and i would say to cook for them, but I wouldn’t trust him in a kosher kitchen!

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