I better not hear a single word about מלחמת מצוה

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    Don’t you dare say one *&!@ word about this war being a מלחמת מצוה.
    Or for it being a “justified war”.
    If you do, I will unleash the full extent of my fury, hunt you down and let my blood pressure loose.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Oooh ooooh I’ll do it!

    This war was a מלחמת מצוה

    You’re Welcome


    No question, it was definitely a מלחמת מצוה.

    Now, go have your well-earned aneurysm.


    This Israel-Hamas war is all part of Hashems plan towards Mashiach speedily coming BUT FIRST Hashem is waiting for our serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation begging Hashem forgiveness and to start YEARNING FOR MASHIACH which we sadly are currently lacking while living in a world of pleasure and technology filled with physical pleasures.

    YOU let Hashem our loving father and king of kings ruler of the world know when klal yisroel is doing their HISHTADLUS and showing Hashem our yearning for Mashiach already and Hashem already has Mashiach in this temporary physical world waiting on his white horse to do his mission and bring the geula shleima bkarov


    Don’t worry. As long as a majority of the politicians, judges and generals are persons of Jewish descent who reject Torah and Mitsvos, and who assert (and even sing about it the national anthem) that the goal of zionism is to free Jews from the yoke of Torah – no one would see the war as being a Milhemes Mitsvah. At some point, based on current demographic trends, Eretz Yisrael might have a government in which most of the leadership (of the government, the legal system and even the military) will be Bnei Torah, and the upper class hilonim will be fleeing since they don’t want to live in Jewish state – then the question will get interesting.

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