Trump – Unconditional Discharge

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  • #2351203
    Reb Eliezer

    כל העולה לגדולה מוחלין לו כל עוונותיו – as he becomes president, all sins are forgiven.


    Well, it’s a gift from Hashem. Hashem created things like Teshuvah or else we’d be stuck with what happened.


    B”H the Venezuala-style political persecution, lawfare and witch hunt came crashing down on the heads of the evil Democrats who attempted to use the Justice system for their political benefit. With the American People wisely giving them the biggest potch in political history with the amazing historic greatest comeback in American political history of President Donald J. Trump, an Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence who clearly has the Ribono Shel Olam’s support, being re-elected for the first time in over 150 years in a non-consecutive term, only the second time this happened in American history.

    This second Trump Administration will be the most powerful second presidential administration in American political history, with President Trump having had an extra four year interlude to fully prepare all the things he will do in his second administration.

    He’s essentially taken over as soon as the election was over, even before Biden was taken out by his old age political operatives, with world leaders over the last month plus already dealing with President Trump instead of with the irrelevant Biden.

    G-d Bless America!


    It appears the New York judicial system is admitting its mistake in falsely accusing Trump. By definition, a felony is something for which you get at least one year in prison. In all fairness, this is the first time someone was convicted of paying a blackmailer; in the usual case, the one receiving the money is being prosecuted, not the victim of the blackmail.


    Can we all at least admit that Trump was convicted (and basically admitted to) paying for a zoineh, then later paying her more money from campaign funds to keep her quiet? Not sure why he bothered, the whole world knows that he cheated on his wife with a zoineh and now all his defenders don’t seem to have any issue with it.

    Oh, and was also convicted of being m’aneis a woman (though what exactly he did to her may not “technically” be called m’aneis in modern legal terms).


    well said and I’d think it should bother any frum yid that stands for moral values. The convictions are gotcha moments and its “crime” doesn’t bother me. But the moral aspect of what he did and that he our president is a concern. However, he seems to be better for EY and getting our hostage’s homes. That “Trumps” everything else for a frum jew



    He was convicted for mislabeling business transactions to cover up an unnamed crime.

    He wasn’t convicted for r**e. That would have been a felony with jail time.

    I would recommend avoiding Legacy Media.


    John Kennedy and Bill Clinton (especially Clinton the rapist) were much worse. Hopefully anyone here would have voted for Richard Nixon, George H. W. Bush and Bob Dole, if you were eligible to vote in those elections. And not have voted for Hillary the rapist enabler and defender.


    @pekak I know the President has so many convictions and indictments it’s hard to keep track of, but in the court of law it was determined that he forced himself upon a woman (E. Jean Carrol) and is therefore liable in the defamation suit.

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