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- This topic has 12 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 2 hours, 32 minutes ago by @fakenews.
January 7, 2025 1:32 pm at 1:32 pm #2349997Chaim87Participant
There may be similar threads to this that I can’t find. I wanted to bring to attention the thought process around tuition pricing and the crisis around it.
So I fully understand that costs went up and prices need to rise. Now that covid money is gone, its hitting the mosdos and they are stick with huge expenses. (I do think they can cut building such fancy lavish buildings and they’d have extra money but thats not the main point of my thread). I get that tuition needs to increase significantly. Henceforth the need for committees and tuition boards who offer scholarships for those of us that are less fortunate and can’t pay the bills.Here is my question how do the boards determine who is eligible for scholarships and who isn’t? I have seen some of these applications in the NY/ Monsey/ Lakewood areas and in Baltimore as well. I think they leave out a central piece of things. The applications are based on basic “income” similar to how the govt looks at income. But that’s shallow and lacks the truth. Income should inlcude what you net from govt programs, (SNAP, HUD, WIC etc) do you pay for health care (or receive medicad). Furthermore, if one receives free tuition from one yeshiva and they apply to another yeshiva or bais yakov for the other children, well thats money too. If one pays via parsonage that’s money too. How about if a family gets redcued or subsidized groceries and vacations? Are we looking at the math holistically or are we just falling into the trap of squeezing the middle class because on paper their income is higher which is not the reality?
Disclaimer: I get that certain holy people deserve some of these benefits because they are moser nefesh and do holy work. But that shouldn’t be the job of a school committee to take that into account. They should look only at the math and nothing else. If we want to show hakaras hatov we can create a chaesdi lev scholarshop fund and offer scholarships to those of us that deserve hakras hatov. It shouldn’t be the schools equation any more than the grocery’s.
January 7, 2025 6:50 pm at 6:50 pm #2350174Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantGood thoughts, but most of us do not know how the committees work. Presumably, those who are closer to the school, either as family, by hashkafa, by teaching there, etc will get a better deal. I am all for making the system more transparent, but practically speaking we are using the approach that we saw several of older “working” friends were using:
do not submit any financial forms, simply come to school and suggest that you’ll pay X $$$ or X%. The number should be fair, depending on your circumstances, number of children in school. your dependency on the school and how much markup the price is over the true cost. Do this number yourself, do not leave it to them. Generally, it would be 50%-70% of published price. This presumably covers your own children, excluding paying for the “non-working” families. If, say, general studies are so bad that you will have to teach them separately, then maybe 40%.
How do I know this is a good number? I once started conversation with a new financier, saying “I would like 30%” (meaning I am asking for 30% off). He thought that I am asking to pay 30% and almost had a heart attack. I quickly finished the sentence and we immediately shook hands.
January 8, 2025 12:09 am at 12:09 am #2350302Chaim87ParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions
To be clear I get that school faculty such as a rebbe in that school should receive free or reduced tuition. But what about a rebbe who sends to “another” school such as a girls school, mesifta or even a different yeshiva than what he teaches in? And he already pays via parsonageJanuary 8, 2025 10:04 am at 10:04 am #2350352Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantBottom line is that we need to have good Jewish education affordable to normal jews who work. Without that, we will continue having social distortions. parents consider staying in chinuch to afford education for their kids, schools using the tuition powers to dictate all rules, kids seeing their parents in constant financial distress despite working hard..
January 8, 2025 10:04 am at 10:04 am #2350375nishtdayngesheftParticipantPays via parsonage?
It’s not parsonage? You actually do not know what you are even saying. I know what you think you are referring to and it is not parsonage.
Either way it is coming out of their compensation. It is not additional income.
January 8, 2025 3:06 pm at 3:06 pm #2350447eddieeParticipantI do not have the answers to the tuition crisis. But please understand, as someone who works in Yeshiva administration and does not recieve an automatic tuition reduction, I do not know of a Yeshiva/Day School who is able to remotely cover their budget with the tuitions collected. Actually, the general formula is that they hope to cover payroll with tuitions. I agree that perhaps some administrators could use a brushiup on thei interpersonal communications skills,some of this comes form the fact that they are tired of getting the runaround from parents. Parents want Caddilac service at Yugo (for those that remember what that was) pices. They aren’t willing to give up on any amenities to save money. The answer “just fundraise” is rediculous.
There is an expression, “it is easy to be amartyr, when someone else is doing the dying”.January 8, 2025 3:07 pm at 3:07 pm #2350492Chaim87Participant@nishtdayngesheft,
1) If its the yeshiva he teachs it’s usually free and not of his salary. So when a rebbe then goes to his daughters school and says his income is only $60K while the accountant is say $90K, one of the the many factors left out is yes your “gross” income is lower but so are your expenses. The accoutnat maybe also has 3 boys in yeshiva on top of sending to the grils school. His yeshiva costs are $25K while you the rebbes yeshiva cost are $0. So now the girls school should take that into account.
2) Even the tuition paid to the grils school lets say the rebbes is $7K and accountant $8K. The rebbe’s 7K is paid via parsonage. Now thats not free and it means his salary is now $53K gross vs 60K gross. But the $7K is pre tax dollars compared to the accoutant where its post tax. That alone is a 25% benefit to the rebbe right there.January 8, 2025 6:37 pm at 6:37 pm #2350636nishtdayngesheftParticipantChiam,
1) Not every schools offers free tuition, many don’t. Often only a reduction.
2) You are making an assumption that the tuition committee works competitively, pitting one family vs another when determining tuition. That is not what is done. Certainly not with any of the Yeshivas I am familiar with. Working with one parent on tuition does not mean that another who is deserving will not get the similar consideration.
3) $60,000 for a Rebbi in lakewood is well paid, an accountant at $90,000 is being paid well below market in Lakewood. I know that accountants with several years experience get paid well more than $90k in Lakewood. Not touch, but they make a multiple of what rabbeim get. You are not comparing apples to apples.4) Someone making $90k with several children is not paying anything near 25%. And parsonage is taxed as SECA.
5) even with your flawed example, the rebbi after tuition has $53,000 net of whatever taxes. The accountant, if you gross up the tuition even at 25% which is a very flawed assumption, is left with $81,250 (90,000- 7,000(1.25)). Obviously pretax. But that is still $28,000 or more than 50% higher than the Rebbi.
6) For some reason you think that rabbeim should be complete paupers. So you cannot fathom any benefit that might have working as a Rebbi. Who says they have to be the worst paid people? Why is that your attitude?
7) You heard the word Paraonage and you bandy it about, but it is not what you think it is and it’s not used to pay tuition. There is a separate non taxable benefit available for people who work in schools that many yeshivas and schools make available. Many non Jewish schools and colleges do so as well.January 8, 2025 7:23 pm at 7:23 pm #2350686Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipanteddie > Parents want Caddilac service at Yugo prices.
There are 2 (related) issues:
1) high cost v. family resources
2) issue of control and potential abuses of poweron (1), the focus is on fundraising, families struggling and teachers being paid little… maybe we need to be more realistic on what we can afford and what priorities are, and be more innovative in how we price things. Lots of examples:
– expensive seminaries are ripe for a takanah that seminary can not be mentioned on shidduch resume and responded by references on the punishment of herem.
– small classes often have students of different level … use remote classes of advanced general studies
– allow kids to go part time to a different school for specific classes. Optimally, to increase competition, parents should buy one class/teacher at a time rather
– enable transparency of school/class/teacher successes (publish test results)
– enroll those who want into online public schools for general studies (several yeshivos did that, not sure where they stand now)
– move to states with voucherson (2), in my estimation, 50% of problems are objective, see above, and 50% are due to school admins – incompetency, self-interest, protecting school reputation/family members, lack of respect to other shitos, etc.
January 8, 2025 7:23 pm at 7:23 pm #2350666Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantnisht, I think Chaim is presuming way more than one child in schools, Bh. Update your computation for 6 kids:
rebbe – 3 free (the gender he is teaching), 7kx3=21K pretax. Left 60-21=39K
accountant – 6x7x1.2 (tax) = 50K, left with 90-50=40kbtw, I am not 100% sure that taking low salary and tuition reduction is really kosher in terms of “savings” on taxes. I did not hear of people arrested/fined for that, so it must be mostly legal.
January 9, 2025 2:08 pm at 2:08 pm #2350903eddieeParticipantAAQ: I think that our differences of opinion are where the issue starts from. You seem to feel that schools should have very few standasrds in regard to anything that is not directly academic, i.e. “Frumkeit” standards. The reality is that schools are in the business of educating children according to that schools standards. You have the right to choose the standards you want for your children. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else. As in if you can’t afford the best doctor, you go to a doctor who is qualified but cheaper, or covered by insurance. I am not sure why you feel that because you want to send your children to a specific school, they HAVE to accomodate you financially. If all schools have tuition whithin a certain range, maybe there is a reason for it. One thing i can tell you, there is no secret cabal of school administrators gathered in someones basemant in the middle of the night fixing the prices for tuitions across the board, for all schools.
I can tell you that by your suggestions, you have never been in Yeshiva administration. I cannot imagine why a school should allow for outside influences to be brought in. Going to an online public school whith their permissive curriculum is a recepe for disaster. As a parent you may choose this but as a mainstream yeshiva, I can’t imagine.
Don’t get me wrong, I agree that there is a major problem, but I can’t imagine a solution. With the price of eggs at abt 6.50 a dozen, I imagine you demand the groceries charge less, the bakeries shouldn’t raise prices on goods containing eggs,etc since who can afford it. A yeshiva education costs. Going around saying that there must be indifference/mismanagement/outright theft/ cronyism or whatever fingers you want to point will not change facts. Things cost. “You” would probably be one to complain if the windows were broken, building wasn’t maintained, food poor quality or lack of variety or unhealthy.
Keeping seminaries off Shidduch resumes is not practical. You want to speak to her freinds. That will be the fist questiion asked. It gives you an idea of her hashkafos etc.
As far as publishing test results etc- totally irrelevant. When picking a school, I hope you do reaserch. Ask other parents, speak to teachers, go to school to observe. Your information will not come from dry facts reported. Stats are manipulatedall the time. Yeshivos tend ot have a pretty weal limudei chol department, but tend to score pretty high on regents compared to statewide averages.
Moving to states with vouchers is great if it works for you, but what does that have to do with Yeshiva admnistration in states without vouchers?
As far asd respect for other shitos, I can respect your shitos but not want them in my school. They go against everything I stand for. I won’t disrespect them, but you as parent/student need to have respect for MY shitos, they are just as valid as yours.I agree the problem exists, but I believe the problem is bigger than you do. You seem to feel that if everybody would play nice and sit around the campfire singing Kumbaya all problems would go away. this is so naive
My apologies for this comment going all over the place in this comment, I am a little ADHD 😉
January 9, 2025 2:08 pm at 2:08 pm #2350855DaMosheParticipantTuition is extremely expensive for everyone, but let’s recognize that this is also a test from Hashem.
Mori v’Rebbe, R’ Yaakov Bender shlita, wrote that he compares it to the Jews in the US in the early 20th century who were moser nefesh for Shabbos.
R’ Moshe Feinstein zt”l notably said that most of the children of these people did not stay frum because the fathers would come home and say “es is shver tzu zein a Yid.” That had a huge impact on the children.
I was always taught that the money for our kids tuition is separate from the money that we’re allocated on Rosh Hashanah. On a personal note, I can say that there have been plenty of times where I didn’t think I’d be able to pay my tuition costs, but somehow, the money always ended up being available. Sometimes it means borrowing, sometimes I got an unexpected income, but somehow, it always showed up.
The one thing that I’m always extremely careful of is to never let my kids hear me complain about it – and I try not to complain at all, even not in front of my kids! When my daughter once asked me about it, because she heard someone else complaining about it, I told her, “My biggest priority is to make sure that my children get a good Jewish education. If that means I don’t go on vacations, and don’t have a fancy car, that’s fine. It’s my greatest pleasure to pay tuition so that you can learn how to be a good Jew!”
I hope that my children get that same view, and then one day pass it along to the families that they will IY”H build.January 9, 2025 2:08 pm at 2:08 pm #2350752@fakenewsParticipant@nishtdayngesheft: your responses reveal a deeper understanding of the nuance of these issues than most people have.
I am going to assume that either a) you work in school administration in some manner or b) you serve as an accountant or lawyer for schools. -
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