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Oorah Presents: The Shidduch Roundtable

shadchan .Still002This Motzai Shabbos, one of the highlights of the Oorah-thon will be a frank conversation about shidduchim on air (major radio stations across the country including WABC and Lakewood’s very own Kol Berama WMDI 107.9 FM) with big-time shadchanim including (but not limited to J) Rabbi Yisroel (Freddie) Friedman and Rabbi Tzodak Katz. Questions from the public are welcome –  email [email protected]. We’ve already gotten many great questions for the shadchanim to discuss during the program. Oorah-thon program is from 10-4, one hour dedicated to this.

In related news, Oorah is releasing their exclusive video “The Shadchan”. Click here to watch.

Just a reminder to enter Oorah Auction before it’s too late!


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