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Litzman: Bayit Yehudi is Destroying Yiddishkheit

litzIn a Thursday morning 22 Iyar 5774 interview with Kol Berama Radio, MK Rav Yaakov Litzman addressed numerous issues, including Bayit Yehudi and its leader, Naftali Bennett. Litzman explained that by now it should be clear to all that despite claims to be preventing the passage of anti-religious legislation, Bayit Yehudi is nothing but talk. He accuses the dati leumi party of being a loyal partner to Yesh Atid, citing many anti-religious bills that have passed into law over recent months. He explained these bills were passed in defiance of the rabbonim of both the chareidi and dati leumi communities as well as the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

Litzman stated talk is meaningless and when it comes to Bayit Yehudi, the dati leumi party is judged by its actions, which are a far cry from its words.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. And the actions of UTJ are not very good either they permitted giving away Gaza And DL won’t forget that

  2. can letzman explain what exactly is he and his party doing in this kenneset which in his own words are “destroying yiddishkeit” more so what did his party accomplish in the last 60 years of pandering if they havn’t got the minimum ben gurion promised them.. other than being a נותן יד לפושעים appeasing their core enemies, it’s absurd.

  3. There is a big difference between “destroying yiddishkeit” and messing with one communities interests. Cutting funding and getting rid of child allotments were compared to Haman around Purim time. Last time I checked, batei midrash were not being burned, and no one was being whipped for learning Torah. So by saying that you have to support your own Torah learning and you own children, like all Frum Jews used to do up to WW2, that makes you Amalek??

    And the draft issue isn’t even that big a deal! Only in 2017 and only if the Yeshiva draft doesn’t reach the quota will there be criminal sanctions for draft dodgers. And Dati Leumi yeshivot are included in this number, so even if there was no legislation, the quota would have been reached anyway. Trust me, not one Haredi will be sent to jail for not serving.

  4. This post is addressed to “sifsei chachamim” and those with similar attitudes.
    The expulsion from Aza was a very unfortunate incident and the most serious consequence of it wasn’t the great hardship placed on the families that were forced to move, or the relinquishment of control of the land, but the tearing apart of the tzibur and the resulting ill will and continuing grudges that are held, because of it.
    Let’s look at a little history,in the times when the Mizrachi party held many seats and much power, especially in the Education Ministry,they built their community and concerned themselves with their constituents’ needs, like all political parties do. The chareidi school systems received little funding and institutions within the chareidi community had to fend for themselves. So when a new era evolved, in which the DL community was divided and lost political strength, the chareidim rose in power and influence and, naturally, wanted to address some of the historic injustices that had been ignored during the time of the DL power. Is that selfish? Well, you answer that.
    Secondly, there was the issue of trying to make peace when the least little glimmer of hope existed, the charedim politicians, of that time, claim that they thought that a withdrawal from Aza would facilitate that. Today, they as almost all Israelis, realize that that was a very false glimmer. That, I think, is one of the “positive” outcomes of the withdrawal from Aza, that normal people can see that peace with the Arabs,by “giving back” land
    is not any “solution” but only a means of strengthening our enemies.
    So, this attitude of holding grudges and remembering the past only strengthens those who would see the demise of the religious tzibur and the withdrawal from all those lands restored during the 6-Day War.
    I say, it’s time to forget grudges and to forge a religious tzibur that will be strong enough to be able withstand those who would seek to accomplish that.There are leaders, respected by both communities, that could accomplish that. It is unfortunate that Bennett and some of his fellow MKs do not listen to these important rabbis and meddle in religious affairs, to the detriment of all the religious tzibur, even the whole Klal Yisrael. The relationship between State and Religion is held in a delicate balance in the State of Israel, one which the charedim helped to oversee in their time of serving in the Knesset. Their banishment from the government has resulted in much legislation that will unravel this delicate balance. This is about what MK Litzman speaks when he talks about “destroying Yiddishkeit.”

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