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TEHILIM ALERT – Yeshiva Bochur In Serious Accident

t1.jpgMinsk, Belarus – A British Yeshiva Bochur currently learning in the Yeshiva located in the city of Pinsk, Belarus was involved in a major car accident on Friday afternoon, and has R”L been listed in critical condition.

Sources tell YWN that a car full of Bochrim were travelling to a Kiruv Shabbaton in the city of Orsha, when their vehicle was struck by a drunk driver.

The accident which occurred between the cities of Minsk and Orsha, left one Bochur [in his low 20’s] in critical condition. The other passengers are reported to be in stable condition.

Please be Mispallel for Eliyahu Yaakov Ben Esther Bracha who needs Rachamei Shomayim.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. Boruch Hashem, thanks to all your tefillos, the condition of the bochur has improved. At the moment steps are being taken to have him transferred to England, where they will continue treating him. please continue davening, as we still need much Rachmei Shomayim.
    A friend from Pinsk

  2. Update on condition.
    Boruch Hashem, the bochur is now out of hospital and walking on crutches. Thank you to everyone for all your tefillos.

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