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IDF Company Commander Jailed for Detaining Arab Woman in Labor

An IDF officer, a company commander, was sent to jail for 14 days for delaying an Arab woman at a Shechem area checkpoint despite the fact she was in active labor. Reports indicate the baby was crowning but the officer nevertheless delayed her transport to hospital. A PA (Palestinian Authority) EMS official on the scene pronounced the baby dead.

Apparently the family decided the woman could not wait for an ambulance and decided to transport her in a private vehicle. The officer realized they did not have the proper documentation to cross into the area, accounting for the delay.

A PA ambulance arrived at the checkpoint and the infant was pronounced dead, a stillborn according to PA paramedics.

Army officials stated the company commander should have permitted the woman to continue to the hospital.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Hindsight is always 20/20. How many times have suicide bombers disguised themselves as pregnant women or as patients in an arab ambulance?!?! Oy l’rasha, v’oy l’shchayno. When you live among savages you run the risk of being treated as one eventhough you MAY not be one.

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