LEFT PLANNING SCAMDEMIC? Vaccine Researcher Hotez Warns of Virus Threats After Trump Takes Office

Vaccine researcher Peter Hotez says multiple viruses will be unleashed on America the day after Trump takes office

“We have some big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st.”

Watch how Hotez goes on MSNBC and rattles off a menu of viruses that are naturally going to occur and make their way to the United States beginning on January 21st.

Bird flu, New coronavirus, SARS Mosquito-transmitted viruses, Dengue, Zika, Oropouche virus, Yellow fever, Whooping cough, Measles, Polio…

We continue to watch a perfectly scripted and executed movie called “Scam-demic.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. So silly. The guy literally said that these things are already out there and that it’s just going to be become Trumps problem on Jan 21st. Not that these issues don’t exist now and will magically pop into existence on Jan 21st. It’s just click bait and it’s works – I mean I read the article!

  2. Amazing how the viruses know to wait until until January 21st.

    The guy is being dramatic and over the top. But he is right about the fact that the antivax movement, which Trump’s health secretary nominee RFJ Jr seems to be a part of, may result in the resurgence of diseases like polio and measles R”L, as we’ve already seen to a certain extent.

  3. Notice how all the flying creatures and insects know exactly the day Trump takes over. I wonder if he is talking about the animal kingdom or the human lefty rioters who would love to loot and burn down the city.

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