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WATCH REALITY HIT: Anti-Israel Students Squirm When They’re Shown Hamas Horrors Unfold [VIDEO]

In a provocative social experiment, two Israeli influencers, dressed to mimic a Hamas supporter and a Hamas terrorist, staged a performance that spotlighted campus tensions surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict. The influencers pretended to celebrate the graphic footage from the October 7th Hamas attacks, testing the reactions of anti-Israel students who have been vocal in their criticism of Israel.

The influencers’ performance involved simulated joy at the harrowing scenes of the attack. However, their act quickly elicited squeamishness among the students. Despite their outspoken political stances, many of the students could not endure watching the disturbing footage for more than a few minutes.

The experiment sought to underscore the disconnect between the rhetoric used in campus activism and the stark reality of the violence being discussed. By forcing observers to confront the visual horrors of the event, the influencers aimed to challenge the narratives that often dominate these environments.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. We need more influencers doing this

    College kids are by and large brainwashed morons

  2. This has got to be the most unprofessional “social experiment” I have ever seen. Do you really think these college kids are walking away and “squirming” because they have suddenly seen the errors of their ways?! If you listen to these “geniuses” saying “so we are raping, we are stabbing” you can hear how contrived this sounds. Even these uneducated college students can see that something is off and this is not for real. That’s the only reason they’re walking away. It’s not because they are suddenly seeing the light and realizing how wrong Oct. 7 was. How naive can you be?

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