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VIDEO: MK Eichler on the Abuse & Degradation of the Chareidi Tzibur


MK Rav Yisrael Eichler used the Knesset podium to address police abuse and brutality against people who were heading home from Meron on motzei Lag B’Omer. Eichler states that this is an example of the abuse suffered by the chareidi tzibur in Israel “as if we are talking about a community that one may degrade”.

Another example cited is a chareidi youth who was compelled to sit and wait for seven hours in a hospital dental clinic as everyone else was taken ahead of him and all efforts to advocate on the youth’s behalf fell on deaf ears.

“This is what occurs day in and day out, every hour. Just enter a bank or a bus or stand in traffic and you will find this true”. Eichler adds the attitude and behavior towards chareidim in Israel is not found in the Diaspora regarding the behavior of non-Jews towards chareidim. He explained to his parliamentary colleagues that the attitude towards chareidim in Israel would not be tolerated elsewhere in the world.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. “Another example cited is a chareidi youth who was compelled to sit and wait for seven hours in a hospital dental clinic as everyone else was taken ahead of him and all efforts to advocate on the youth’s behalf fell on deaf ears.”

    There must be a whole lot more to this story. It sounds like utter nonsense. My Chareidi children and grandchildren have no such problems.

    From another perspective and this is an issue because the term Chareidi is such a broad brush, that the lunatics who have no respects for anyone else are also included. While they are a small minority among Chareidim, they are the most vocal, get the most publicity and cause the animosity that does exist. It wouldn’t hurt for the overwhelming majority of decent Chareidim to denounce the bad behavior when it happens. I see too many people making excuses any time a Frum person does something horrible.

  2. losing there battle on conscription and finnance, the two mainstays that blinded the religious parties to join the gov. they are waking up to the reality that existed in israel since day one, welcome kuni lemel, you havn’t seen nothing yet..

  3. The “shock” is because his party, and himself personally, had supported and allied with the zionists for the last 65+ years, and they are now in the position of having to realize that the anti-zionists were right all along in holding that zionism is inevitably the enemy of Torah. The held that the Satmar (Eidah Hareidis, etc.) shittah was wrong, and now whenever they see one of them they have to feel the other person is thinking “I told you so.” From the “get go” the raison d’etre of zionism was to create a Jewish alternative to Torah and Mitsvos, but the lusting after patronage blinded many frum politicians to this, and only now have their eyes been opened.

  4. Hello MK EICHLER, in this video you stated the (alleged) story with the child at the dentist was many years ago. So that means there is barely any discrimination. If the only story you can dredge up is from a few years ago – something is wrong. it’s time for the charedim to elect new politicians via direct elections,

  5. This is a comment I will post on every possible newssite. chiloni or chareidi…..
    Here goes:
    There’s just one question and answer that noone is asking or looking at. There is such contradiction coming from the chilonim; if they are indeed a democratic country that is western and stresses on civil rights etc… all the different brands of humanity they give rights to like the toeva animals. So what happens with “womens rights” here you have a community of women that wanna work and wanna bring their money in so their husbands can do whatever; whether it’s stay in learning, stay at home etc… noones business. But the women are doing the work with their own will. And noone is legitimizing that. They are knocked for working. They are insulted and being told that they have to run their lives like 100 yrs ago that the man must be the breadwinner. If indeed they are into womens rights like all the rights in the world then the chareidi family should fit that criteria perfectly. ahhhhhhhh, the problem and truth is that they don’t realize how transparent they are in showing that they don’t mean any rights of anyone. They don’t mean any equality for this society. They want to do one thing; pull our men out of learning!!!!!!!!!!! – See more at:

  6. He is bang on.

    Haredim = jews of the jews.

    In the Gemara, regarding the days before Mashiakh Ben David: “Those who fear sin will be mocked and degraded”. This on many levels. Even in frum circles, if you want to dress more tsnius your own “ultra” religious co-religionists go hysteric. If you want to conduct yourselves with a higher level of kedusha (separate or mehadrin buses), your own fellow “religious” jews shrink from you, apologize for you, and then condemn you.

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