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Former MK Ben-Ari: The Education Ministry is Destroying Torah Jewry

benaFormer right-wing MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari spoke to Kol Berama Radio on Wednesday morning, 21 Iyar 5774 regarding reports of cuts to Jewish public schools to benefit public schools in the Arab sector.

It was reported that Education Minister Rabbi Shai Piron will be shifting hundreds of millions of shekels towards the public schools in Arab municipalities and most of the money will be cut from dati leumi public schools.

Ben-Ari explained that as one who has been involved in the education system for decades he is well aware of what is taking place under Piron. He stresses that this latest cut is a mere example of a significantly bigger and more dangerous picture, the eradication of Torah in the state education system. Ben-Ari explains that Piron has already bled the chareidi mosdos dry and is moving to the dati leumi sector now. He blames Piron for sending Jewish education in Israel back 20-30 year, warning if something drastic is not done the consequences will be painful and grave.

Ben-Ari shifts his criticism to the dati leumi community, explaining “All of a sudden Bennett is the savior of the dati leumi community. He was never a dati leumi Jew. Suddenly he delivered the goods [in the last election] so he has been crowned the new dati leumi leader. Religion is not important to him at all”.

Ben-Ari added that as an insider he has a genuine view of what is taking place, not just what the ministry releases to the media. For example, he points out that the ministry today has informed schools that if they hire Arab teachers they will be rewarded by the ministry, with the latter explaining there are currently 6,000 Arab teachers awaiting placement. “How many Jewish teachers are waiting for placement” asked Ben-Ari. “Truth is we don’t know because this statistic the ministry does not care to publish. This is a Jewish country and we must have Jewish teachers for Jewish children but Piron has made finding jobs for Arab teachers his priority.”

Ben-Ari laments today’s reality, pointing out that the policies of the ministry today are truly anti-Torah. One example he gives is by explaining even if a school can raise private funds for additional hours of Torah education, “it is forbidden to add Torah hours under this administration” he exclaims. “Don’t you get it? For Piron Torah is Kodesh but math, science and secular subjects are Kodesh Kedoshim!”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Give them credit, that was their campaign promise. They were elected on a platform of destroying Torah, and they are keeping their promises. They are stabbing in the back, they are chopping from the front.

  2. If only he would have passed the “אחוז החתימה” he would have his own party…..

    Hopefully by next electioms the DL community (and rabbanim) see the light about who really would properly represent their beliefs and values.

  3. Well, of course. We knew this all along. Dr. Ben-Ari hit the nail on the head. Bennett, with his non-religious wife, represents the “secular” Mizrachi. The Frum Bnei Torah of the DL community have no one to represent them and their values. Its truly a shame. Piron & Lipman are the useful idiots who are being had by Lapid/Bennett.

  4. Ben-Ari shifts his criticism to the dati leumi community, explaining “All of a sudden Bennett is the savior of the dati leumi community. He was never a dati leumi Jew. Suddenly he delivered the goods [in the last election] so he has been crowned the new dati leumi leader. Religion is not important to him at all”.
    Can someone pleases justify the stupidity of this quote.
    His criticism was against Bennet not the whole daatim leumi community.
    Once again the baatlanim in the yeshiva world are trying so hard to spread more sinaas chinom.
    You guys are party of the problem.

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