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H’YD: IDF Releases Names Of Two Fallen Soldiers

The IDF announced on Sunday evening that Sgt. Maj. (res) Shaul Moyal, H’yd, 47, from Karnei Shomron, was killed in combat in southern Lebanon on Shabbos.

Moyal, z’l, who served in the  8207th Battalion of the 228th Brigade, was killed in combat along with four other reservists whose deaths were announced earlier.

The IDF also announced that Staff Sgt. Malachi Yehuda Harari, H’yd, 22, from Even Shmuel passed away on Sunday morning from wounds he incurred in combat in the northern Gaza Strip on October 18.

Harari, z’l, served in the  Givati Brigade’s Rotem Battalion.

Hashem Yikom Damam.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. It’s so hard to receive these painful messages. May the מלך הרחמן shower Hs children with His rachmanus and may the families of these brave men be נתנחם.

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