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Photos: Dinner Meeting Supporting Re-Election Of Senator Adams

12.jpg(Click HERE for photos) New York State Senator Eric Adams, New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, other elected officials, and leaders of the Boro Park Hasidic Community gathered at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Joel Eisdorfer on Wednesday, September 3, 2008, to recognize and honor the close working relationship, and deep commitment between the Senator and his constituents in the Boro Park Jewish community.
Assemblyman Hikind described a meeting two years ago when Eric Adams, at the time a private citizen, solicited the Assemblyman’s support in a State Senate primary election.  Assemblyman Hikind explained that he had already decided to support the bid for office, having followed the NYPD career of retired police officer Adams closely enough to know that this assistance was appropriate for an individual who had fought so assiduously and eloquently for the rights of others.  Assemblyman Hikind emphasized that the relationship has evolved into mutual esteem and brotherhood.
Speaking at the event Senator Adams said: “I am honored to be here today at the home of my community liaison, Joel Eisdorfer, along with my dear friend Assemblyman Dov Hikind and Joel’s father, Rabbi Abraham Eisdorfer. These men are more than colleagues to me. I have worked closely with them on important matters in my 20th Senatorial District and throughout Brooklyn, and our civic collaboration has been a tremendous success.  Perhaps even more important, however, is the indestructible bond of friendship we have developed, based upon reciprocal trust and affection.  It inspires the harmony of our partnership.

“Joel’s hospitality this evening has enabled me to welcome and meet with some notable individuals in the Hasidic community. These leaders include the renowned Rabbi Leib Glanz, Rabbi Bernard Freilich Special Assistant to the NYS State Police Superintendent, Hon. Israel Goldberg, Yidel Perlstien, Rabbi Hershy Fischman, Rabbi Moshe Indig, Rabbi Shmuel Steinharter of Boro Park Bikur Cholim, Moshe Wieder of Ohel, David Greenfield of the Sephardic Community Federation and others.  I thank you all for your support.  I am proud to receive it. I also would like to thank NYC Councilman Matthew Eugene for joining our assemblage.”

Senator Adams concluded: “The City of New York, the greatest city in the world, includes and embraces people of every race and every faith. The individuals present tonight stand united in the conviction that every moral and ethical human being champions the brotherhood of the one true race, the human race.”

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

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