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Military Analyst: 90% Of Iran’s Air Defense System Was Destroyed

Noam Amir, the military analyst for Israel’s Channel 14 stated on Motzei Shabbos that the entire Israeli Air Force was mobilized in the attack on Iran. He revealed that 90% of Iran’s air defense system was destroyed in the strikes – paving the way for further attacks.

“According to foreign reports, Israel hit four out of the five missile batteries Iran has,” Amir noted, “which means that 90% of Iran’s air defense capability has been neutralized. Just think about how Israel would look without 90% of its air defense.”

Amir also addressed the damage to Iran’s facilities for fuel and engines used for ballistic missiles. “We didn’t eliminate the ability to produce the missile itself, but we targeted the ability to build the missile engines and the fuel that powers them. Iran has invested years to achieve this capability, mainly with the help of China, and destroying these infrastructures could delay the recovery process for years to come.”

Amir emphasized that the entire Air Force was active during the assault – although not all aircraft were required to cover distances of about 1,600 kilometers as in previous strikes. He mentioned that the attack was planned differently than previous operations, such as in Yemen, focusing on attacking a broader number of targets.

While the attack did not include strikes on nuclear facilities, Amir believes that it will now be much easier to target those facilities in the future. “I believe this is an opening shot, not a final blow. Time will reveal the true implications of this attack.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Shloime:

    It could be that each of the facilities had a different number of missiles etc such that, the four that they destroyed comprised ninety percent of the total amount

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