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Gedolei Yisrael Were Told About Attack On Iran On Shabbos

Israel’s United Hatzalah organization said on Motzei Shabbos that they had made special preparations ahead of Israel’s attack on Iran on Shabbos morning.

The Hatzalah staff was asked to prepare to send messages to all volunteers in shuls and Shomer Shabbos communities across Israel in the case of an emergency [such as Iran carrying out an immediate retaliatory attack].

In Bnei Brak, loudspeakers were set up throughout the city for announcements in case of an emergency.

HaRav Naftali Halperin, Hatzalah’s halachic coordinator, was sent on Shabbos to the homes of Gedolei Yisrael to update them on the attack in Iran and receive their instructions in the case of an Iranian retaliatory attack.

Also, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported that on Friday, [Isru Chag in Israel], a senior Air Force commander called the Belzer Rebbe to ask for a bracha ahead of the attack on Iran.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Why was it necessary to do it on Shabbos? Have they not learned from the past year’s Simchas Torah massacre on a Chillul Shabbos event?

  2. Kanoi
    Military intelligence knew that Iran would be less alert bc they figured we wouldn’t attack on shabbos. Then it becomes pikuach nefashas in regards to the pilots being more likely to accomplish their goal and return home alive.

  3. David – for the same reason a doctor can ignore 39 malachos on Shabbos to work to save a life. G-d gave us teva and saychel. Until we are at the level of those who can make miracles we live in teva. G-d forbid if a loved one was having a heart attack would you not allow treatment until after Shabbos? Of course not.

  4. It seems that there was a fog over Iran and they waited for the fog to disperse which happened on Shabbos. So next time try to be Lomed Zchus. This is evidently Hashem’s plan

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