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YWN Has A Simple Request To Our Readers For An Easy Zechus On Hoshanah Rabba

Hoshana Rabba our judgment is completed. It is also the final sealing of the judgment of every person for a good sweet year. We are all looking for extra Zechusim on Hoshanah Rabba to ensure a Gmar Chasima Tova.

As we all seek to increase our zechusim so that we may be zocheh b’din, YWN would like to inform our readers of an incredible opportunity to help tip the scales in our favor.

As Hoshanah Rabba approaches and we all seek to increase our zechusim so that we may be zocheh b’din, YWN would like to inform our readers of an incredible opportunity to help tip the scales in our favor.

YWN has only once before promoted a specific tzedakah, but our team is now raising funds for two families – one of whom is very close to the YWN family. We have personally and exhaustively verified the authenticity and urgency of their respective plights. HaRav Elya Brudny, the Rosh yeshiva of the Mirrer Yeshiva, personally knows one of them, and knows the situation first hand.

Both of these families truly require our assistance, and providing them with it will surely present a powerful zechus for us in Shamayim. We know that we all have a ton of Tzedkaha requests, but YWN doesn’t charge for our service, providing breaking news 24 hours a day for 21 years. In turn, please open your generous hearts for this cause!

The first family is one in which the father, an incredible talmid chochom, is suffering from a multitude of serious health issues. Due to his illness, he has been unable to provide sufficient income for his family.

The second family is one that has been a close friend of YWN for many years. The father has stage 4 pancreatic cancer, and is unable to work. His wife had to quit her job to take care of her husband and home full of young children. The situation is desperate, as they are facing eviction from their home – and literally have no money for basic necessities. Their bills are in the tens of thousands, and they are long past their credit line!

Hundreds of thousands of people trust YWN to deliver them the news – appropriately, sensitively, and free-of-charge. Now, we are simply making one request: Please help us help these two pure families who are silently suffering. Please open your hearts before Yom Kippur and provide them with much-needed reprieve. In doing so, we have no doubt that the Ribono Shel Olam will make our lives easier and better, as well.

The words of U’nesaneh Tokef call to us: U’Teshuva U’Tefillah U’Tzedakah Maavirin Es Roah Hagezeirah. Let us not let this opportunity pass us by.


Wishing you all a Gutten Kvittel!

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