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Chasdei Lev Hosts 20,000 Rebbeim, Morahs And Their Families In Chol Hamoed Bonanza At Dorney Park [PHOTOS & VIDEOS]

Chasdei Lev hosted thousands of rebbeim, morahs and their families for a special two-day Chol Hamoed event at Dorney Park on Monday and Tuesday, continuing their mission of honoring and expressing gratitude to our children’s mechanchim, the vital guardians of our mesorah.

Dorney Park, known for its wide range of activities and rides, was the perfect setting for this appreciation event, and in addition to the park’s attractions, Chasdei Lev provided a large sukkah and abundant food and refreshments. Over the course of the two days, approximately 20,000 rebbeim and their families participated, with attendees coming from across the country, representing the diversity of Orthodox Jewry, including Litvish, Chasidish, and Lubavitch communities. Notably, Harav Reuven Feinstein, the rabbinic leader of Chasdei Lev, was in attendance at the amusement park on both days, to personally impart Chasdei Lev’s message of appreciation for mechanchim.

Events like these are central to Chasdei Lev’s mission, offering much-needed recognition to rebbeim and morahs, and equally important, to their spouses and children. When the families of mechanchim witness the honor and respect given to their husbands, wives, and parents, it reinforces their shared commitment to the essential work of harbotzas Torah.

This event follows Chasdei Lev’s pre-Sukkos distribution, which benefitted over 6,000 rebbeim’s and morah’s families, and their efforts this past Pesach, which supported over 8,000 families. Other initiatives include subsidized esrog sales, shaitel sales, and many other programs designed to express gratitude to mechanchim.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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