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Eight IDF Soldiers Killed During First Days Of Sukkos in Lebanon and Gaza

Since the start of Sukkos, the IDF has suffered the loss of eights soldiers in separate incidents. The first tragedy occurred on the first night of Sukkos, when five soldiers from the Golani Brigade’s reconnaissance unit were killed during operations in southern Lebanon. The soldiers were identified as Maj. Ofek Bachar, 24, from Nes Ziona; Cpt. Elad Siman Tov, 23, from Tzofim; Staff Sgt. Elyashiv Eitan Wieder, 22, from Jerusalem; Staff Sgt. Yakov Hillel, 21, from Jerusalem; and Staff Sgt. Yehudah Dror Yahalom, 21, from Hebron. The incident also left an officer and two additional soldiers seriously injured.

Later, on Shabbos, two more soldiers were killed in a separate clash in the northern Gaza Strip. The IDF named the fallen soldiers as Staff Sgt. Ofir Berkovich, 20, from Modi’in, and Sgt. Elishai Young, 19, from Dimona, both members of the 401st Armored Brigade’s 52nd Battalion.

Additionally, an Israeli reservist, who was critically injured during clashes in southern Lebanon last week, has passed away from his injuries.

The fallen soldier has been identified as Sgt. Maj. (res.) Yishai Netanel Greenbaum, 38, from Lod. He served as a platoon sergeant in the Alon Brigade’s 5030th Battalion.

Greenbaum was injured on October 9 during a confrontation with Hezbollah fighters and succumbed to his injuries yesterday.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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