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Bedouin Ambush of a Chareidi Family

bedouIn an exclusive report, Ladaat reports that a chareidi couple traveling in southern Israel on Monday, 19 Iyar 5774, became the latest victim of growing Bedouin attacks against Jews. The couple explains their vehicle was stopped on the side and they suddenly realized a car was speeding at them with its lights turned off. They were blocked in position in a matter of second and before they could understand what was occurring, they were under attack with large stones. “HKBH was there for us and got us out” the head of the family is quoted telling Ladaat.

“Y” was heading home and stopped on the side of the road for a moment. Never did he imagine that doing so would place him and his family in life-threatening danger, only 15 minutes from Beersheva.

He explains that suddenly, from behind sand dunes a vehicle came speeding at them. “I understood something was going on and there was a problem. I locked the car and they stopped the vehicle at our side, blocking us. One got out and started shouted threats at us.”

“Y” then realized it was members of the Bedouin community and that they were blocked in with nowhere to go. “At that point he picked up a large boulder and smashed the window. I tried backing up while he tried throwing another large rock inside. I could not drive forward because he was blocking me as well as on my left. I turned the wheel sharply to the right and hit the gas. I was locked in but realized I must get out of there on his right”.

After extricating himself and his family from the attack the Bedouin vehicle followed after them. “My wife, who was seated next to me, phoned police. A patrol did not arrive for eight minutes”.

“Y” speaks of seeing the end before his eyes and thanks HKBH for extricating the family from the life-threatening ordeal.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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