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Agudath Israel Urges New Yorkers: Vote No On Prop 1

Early Voting in New York State begins right after Sukkos with Election Day on November 5th. The role of the Jewish and particularly the Orthodox vote has received much attention in the media and will be watched carefully. We urge all of our friends and constituents to exercise your rights and vote.

This Election Day, New Yorkers will be voting on Proposal One, an amendment to the New York State Constitution, referred to commonly as the Equal Rights Amendment. Agudath Israel of America opposes this proposed amendment and urges its constituents to vote NO on Proposal One.

The proposed amendment would enshrine a litany of new protected classes in New York’s constitution, which would jeopardize religious freedom and undermine parental rights.

Accordingly, we urge our constituents to VOTE NO on Proposal One.

Please note, Agudath Israel is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and is prohibited by law from endorsing or opposing any political candidates or parties. However we are permitted to advocate for or against particular issues that are on the ballot, such as proposed constitutional amendments.

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