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Biden Warns Israel: Improve Gaza Humanitarian Conditions or Risk U.S. Weapons Supply

The Biden administration has issued a stern warning to Israel, giving the country one month to make significant improvements to the humanitarian situation in Gaza or face potential consequences regarding the continued supply of U.S. weapons.

In a letter obtained by The Times of Israel on Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin addressed Israel’s Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, expressing concern over the significant drop in aid entering Gaza over the past several months. The letter highlights that this decline raises questions about Israel’s commitment to its prior assurances regarding the entry of aid into Gaza and the use of U.S. weapons in compliance with international law.

These assurances were part of a written commitment made by Israel last March, following the issuance of a National Security Memorandum (NSM) by President Joe Biden in February. The memorandum outlines conditions for all recipients of U.S. security assistance, including Israel.

Although Israel initially took steps to improve the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza, Blinken and Austin pointed out that the amount of aid delivered has since plummeted, with September seeing the lowest aid levels in the past year. “The amount of aid delivered has dropped by more than 50 percent,” the letter states.

To address this, Blinken and Austin laid out several recommendations for Israel, urging immediate action within the next 30 days. These measures include increasing the supply of humanitarian aid as winter approaches, facilitating the delivery of aid through Jordan, and ending the isolation of northern Gaza.

The letter warns that failure to demonstrate a “sustained commitment” to implementing these measures could have implications for U.S. policy under NSM-20 and other relevant U.S. laws, signaling that Israel’s failure to comply may affect its future security assistance from the U.S.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. crazy,

    Brandon, the incontinent turd has just pissed another “rain shower”. Drink up, you kapo; I hope you’re thirsty!

  2. Bibi,

    No worries! On January 20, 2025 Biden will move from WH to Nursing Home and Trump will send as much aid as necessary and more!!

  3. [1] Because President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are incompetent fools, they do not know that most foreign aide that enters Gaza is routinely STOLEN BY HAMAS.

    G*D FORBID that Israel should be forced to suffer through another four years of Democrats controlling The White House!! Rachmana Latzlan!!

    [2] Why should Israel be THE ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD that is forced to guarantee the supply of Humanitarian Aide to its genocidal terrorist lunatic enemies?

    G*D FORBID that Israel should be forced to suffer through another four years of Democrats controlling The White House!! Rachmana Latzlan!!

    [3] When the USA fought: World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, did the USA always guarantee the supply of Humanitarian Aide to enemy civilians? BIG NO!!!

    G*D FORBID that Israel should be forced to suffer through another four years of Democrats controlling The White House!! Rachmana Latzlan!!

    G*D PLEASE SAVE US from another four years of Democrat-Party mamzerim controlling The White House; Democrats who love gays and love lesbians and love transgendered people and Muslims, and despise Israel.

  4. Here’s a great strategy for Israel.
    Alienate the USA, all the while escalating a two front war, and also escalate the conflict with Iran. Because you can fight ‘em all, and win, and the USA will continue to pour billions to fund your army, even though you disregard what they ask of you. Great strategy.

  5. But it is Hamas that is the cause of the problems of Gaza’s civilians. The only for Israel to “relieve” the crisis is to kill (or at least capture) the members of Hamas.

    And this is from Biden who claims to our friend. Harris has never made such a claim. This suggests that the Democrats are already getting ready to stab the Israelis in the back, which will please their “base” (who openly celebrate Hamas’s savagery last year).

  6. Definitely. Israel must do their utmost to promote the wellbeing of the Gazans. Israel is totally responsible for the welfare and safety of those who seek to destroy them. Keeping the Gazans healthy and well-nourished trumps Israel’s security and the concern for the fate of the hostages. Controlling the flow of aid as leverage to lead to the release of the hostages after they were brutally snatched and are being savagely treated is unconscionable.
    Did you say someone here is off his rocker?

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