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Netanyahu To Biden: Israeli Response To Iran Will Focus On Military Sites, Won’t Target Nukes

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has informed the Biden administration that he is prepared to target military sites in Iran, rather than oil or nuclear facilities, in a potential strike aimed at avoiding full-scale conflict, sources told The Washington Post.

During a phone call last week, Netanyahu reportedly discussed his intentions with President Joe Biden. The prime minister’s focus on military infrastructure was seen as an effort to contain the conflict while avoiding a strike on Iran’s nuclear program, a move that could trigger wider regional escalation and impact global energy markets. Sources indicate that the Israeli leader is acutely aware of the political sensitivity in Washington, particularly with the U.S. election less than a month away.

The decision to target military assets, as opposed to more strategically sensitive sites, such as oil refineries or nuclear facilities, has been met with cautious relief in the U.S. Israeli officials have stressed that their response will be calibrated to avoid being perceived as influencing American domestic politics.

Tensions between Israel and Iran have been escalating for years, but the latest missile barrage from Tehran has left Israeli military officials concerned that previous retaliatory strikes, such as a pinpoint attack on an Iranian airbase in April, have failed to send a clear message. Netanyahu is now under pressure to deliver a more forceful response while balancing U.S. requests for moderation.

In light of these developments, the U.S. has bolstered Israel’s defense capabilities by deploying its THAAD anti-ballistic missile system to the region, underscoring Washington’s support for Israel. The system, expected to arrive in the coming days along with 100 U.S. military personnel, is part of a broader commitment to defend Israel amid rising tensions with Iran.

Within Israel, however, there is debate over whether a military-only strike will be enough to deter further Iranian aggression. Some within Israel’s defense establishment have called for a broader attack on Iran’s nuclear capabilities, but Netanyahu appears to be weighing U.S. concerns and timing his actions carefully.

Israeli political and military leaders remain divided over the best course of action, but Netanyahu has made clear that any decision on a strike against Iran will be his alone, regardless of the ongoing consultations with Washington.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. The main military site is Iran’s nuclear development. !!!!! Anything less than that is fools play, like.unifil keeping Hezbollah away from the Israeli border

  2. If this report is true, Bibi sounds just as dumb as Biden. If Nukes is not a military target 🎯 then I don’t know what is.

    Same old same old Israel response is to bomb empty buildings a concept what let up to Oct 7

    They say you can’t fix stupid.

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