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Chareidim Not in Favor of Moses’ Bill Compelling Residency for Mayoral Candidates

mosesA bill authored by MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Menachem Eliezer Moses is not receiving the backing of other chareidi MKs. The bill would compel a mayoral candidate to maintain residency in the city in which s/he seeks office for at least six months prior to announcing one’s candidacy. Yahadut Hatorah and Shas MKs are adamantly opposed to the bill.

A special session of the Knesset Interior Committee was held on Monday, 19 Iyar, discussing Moses’ bill. Moses’ bill would be applicable in municipal elections in cities and local authorities. The current law compels 30 days residency for a candidate.

Moses feels that one who is not a resident of a city should not be entitled to compete in an election to run that city. He told the committee he opposes the scenario in which “they bring a joker from another city to compete in an election while having no connection to the city”.

From the chareidi perspective, their parties’ admorim and Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael decide who will be a candidate and the MKs wish to leave all options available in the local municipality races.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Moses’s bill makes sense. Bringing in even someone good does not sit well with most residents, even charedim, because people understand that one who resides on the city has a better understanding if its problems and needs.

  2. If you were voting — would you vote for what you think is best for the system (to only have residents run), or for what is in your short-term best interests?

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