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DEADLOCKED: NBC Poll Shows Trump And Harris In A Neck-And-Neck As Election Nears

NBC’s Kristen Welker and Steve Kornacki unveiled surprising new polling data on Sunday, revealing that former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are now tied as the election draws closer.

During the opening moments of Sunday’s Meet the Press, Welker and Kornacki delved into the results of a fresh NBC News poll, which shows that Trump has made a significant comeback. The poll, conducted after the Sept. 10 presidential debate, shows Trump erasing a 5-point deficit.

“Boy, this is a big one!” Welker remarked as the findings were discussed.

“Yeah, Kristen, the numbers say it,” Kornacki responded. “It is a tie game here weeks before the election.” Both Trump and Harris are polling at 48%, marking a 5-point swing from the previous survey in September, where Harris led Trump 49% to 44%.

Kornacki explained that the shift may be linked to a drop in Harris’ favorability. In the earlier poll, Harris had a positive rating of 48%, compared to 45% negative. However, the new numbers show a reversal, with 49% of voters now viewing her negatively and only 43% positively. “That advantage has all in the last few weeks in our poll washed away for her,” Kornacki noted.

The poll also revealed a significant gender divide. Men favored Trump by a 16-point margin, while women preferred Harris by 14 points. Kornacki called this gap “historic,” adding, “If that happens on Election Day, that’s one for the history books. We’ve never seen it that high.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. This short article is from Yehuda Dov for VINNews (dot) com:

    Demonstrating a major lack of journalistic integrity, CBS intentionally doctored a “60 minutes” interview with Kamala Harris, editing out her garbled and incomprehensible answer to a question about Israel with a completely different answer to the version that aired. The news outlet has come under strong criticism, with the Trump campaign demanding that CBS release the original transcript of the interview.

    When asked by host Bill Whitaker why it seemed like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t listening to the United States regarding the war in Lebanon and his response to the Iran attack, [Kamala] Harris originally replied:

    Well Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by, or a result of, many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region.”

    After the clip received backlash over Kamala’s rambling and unclear answer, CBS inserted a totally different sentence in the version that aired, a sentence said earlier in the interview:

    We are not going to stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end.”

    Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt responded, stating that “On Sunday, 60 Minutes teased Kamala’s highly-anticipated sit-down interview with one of her worst word salads to date, which received significant criticism on social media. During the full interview on Monday evening, the word salad was deceptively edited to lessen Kamala’s idiotic response.”

    “Why did 60 Minutes choose not to air Kamala’s full word salad, and what else did they choose not to air?” she asked. “The American people deserve the full, unedited transcript from Kamala’s sit-down interview. We call upon 60 Minutes and CBS to release it.”

    Other journalists and social media influencers called out 60 Minutes for its behavior, with Geiger Capital stressing:

    Mixing and matching questions and answers.
    This isn’t journalism. It’s fraud

    Newsweek Editor-in-Chief Josh Hammer called the interview a “word-turd sandwich” and blasted [Kamala] Harris for purportedly standing with Israel but not with Netanyahu.

    Investor Bill Ackman questioned: “how could @60Minutes’ manipulation occur without the consent of @KamalaHarris? Let’s not forget she is the Vice President of the United States and she is being asked about our foreign policy in the Middle East and our relationship with the leader of our principal ally in the region.

    “Thinking about this more, the only plausible explanation is that the Vice President herself and/or her administration found that her original answer, which implied that Israel’s actions in the region were a direct result of the Biden/Harris policy, would harm her campaign and would therefore need to be expurgated from the public record.

    “In order to execute such a violation of journalistic ethics, I would expect that CBS News CEO Wendy McMahon and possibly Shari Redstone herself would have had to approve the manipulated video.

    This is a story worthy of investigative journalism from real journalists.
    Where are they? Where are the whistleblowers?
    Or are all of them so ideologically compromised that they are prepared to sacrifice the truth and their integrity in an effort to elect their favored candidate

    SOURCE: article titled:
    SCANDALOUS: CBS Replaces Kamala’s
    Garbled Answer To Question With Different Answer

    by Yehuda Dov 2024 October 10 www (dot) VINNews (dot) com

  2. Israel Kasnett wrote this in Jewish News Syndicate:

    Israel today finds itself standing increasingly alone as the world rejects its right to defend itself against genocidal enemies.

    And as the United States heads to elections in November, Israelis are worried that Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris is demonstrating less support for Israel and more sympathy for Palestinians and their supporters.

    For instance, she [Kamala Harris] has consistently tried to tie Israel’s hands, calling for the Jewish state to end its war against Hamas, and refused to attend Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress in July.

    According to Michael Rubin, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, an administration led by [Kamala] Harris “is likely to be the most hostile U.S. administration to Israel” since U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower’s first term in 1953.

    “Even if [Kamala] Harris is neutral on Israel, her progressive base is out for blood and, specifically, Israeli blood,” he told JNS.

    As the Biden administration appeases Iran, the Islamic regime attacks Israel directly and through proxies in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Gaza.

    Every time Israel went to war against Hamas in Gaza, in 2008-09, 2012, 2014 and 2021, the international community, including the Obama administration, forced Israel to stop fighting.

    After the horrific October 7 [2023] massacre, Israel now aims to destroy Hamas, and yet again, the international community, including the Biden administration, is trying to save Hamas.

    Likewise, when Hezbollah launched an unprovoked war against Israel in 2006, the international community forced a ceasefire after Israel attacked.

    Even before Israel assassinated Hezbollah leader and arch-terrorist Hassan Nasrallah on Friday, the international community, including the Biden administration, was working hard to achieve a ceasefire to save Hezbollah.

    Israel is never allowed to win.

    So when Harris was asked how she would broker a deal to end the war between Israel and Hamas, she said she would continue to work on a two-state solution “around the clock.”

    This is a major red flag. The Palestinians have made it clear numerous times since 1947 that they are not interested in a two-state solution and prefer to destroy Israel instead.

    What [Kamala] Harris means then is that she does not want Israel to achieve victory.

    Instead, she wants to give Palestinians a state as a prize for launching endless terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians for decades instead of pursuing the establishment of their own state through peaceful means…..

    SOURCE: article titled: “Harris admin would be ‘most hostile’ to Israel since Eisenhower, expert says” by Mr. Israel Kasnett 2024 September 29, for Jewish News Syndicate www (dot) JNS (dot) org

  3. James Bickerton wrote this in Newsweek Magazine:

    Famed attorney Alan Dershowitz has announced his departure from the Democratic Party following what he called the “most anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist convention” he has experienced.

    The lawyer and Harvard Law professor emeritus made the announcement during an appearance on the Talkline With Zev Brenner podcast shortly after the Democratic National Convention, which took place in Chicago from August 19 to August 22.
    During his interview with radio host Zev Brenner, Dershowitz said:

    “I am no longer a Democrat. I am an independent.”
    He added, “A lot of things pushed me in that direction,”
    citing Vice President Kamala Harris’ decision not to
    preside over Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress
    in July and rhetoric at the Democratic National Convention.

    “I was disgusted at the Democratic National Convention.
    Absolutely disgusted,” he said.

    Dershowitz continued:
    “They had more anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist people who were speaking, starting with [Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez]—a miserable anti-Zionist bigot.

    “Then, of course, they had [Senator Elizabeth] Warren, who is one of the most anti-Jewish people in the Senate. Then they had Bernie Sanders, one of the most anti-Jewish people in the Senate.”
    The lawyer [Alan Dershowitz] also said that had Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro not been Jewish, he likely would have been chosen as [Kamala] Harris’ running mate.
    “I understand that if his name were John Sheppard, not Josh Shapiro, he would have been the democratic nominee,” he said.

    SOURCE: article titled: “Alan Dershowitz Quits Democratic Party, Slams ‘Anti-Zionist’ DNC” by James Bickerton, for Newsweek Magazine, 2024 September 7

  4. Having learned from the master of poll constrution–Professor Mustafa shareif-i can obtain any results that I want,,so….for sure this pole is simply phoney-balony ,,without a doubt !!!!!

  5. Prior to 2020, “deadlocked” in polling would suggest a Republican win, but with various new ways of voting (especially increased use of absentee ballots) and political changes (the Democrats losing the working class “deplorables” while the Republicans losing the “RINOs”, i.e. the pro-business, pro-national defense, muscular foreign policy) it makes it hard to predict who is winning. The margin of error on all polls should be much larger, which in effects renders them meaningless.

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