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Former Dem Rep. Peter Deutsch Endorses Trump, Says Harris Making World “Dramatically Less Safe”

Former Democratic Congressman Peter Deutsch, who represented Florida’s 20th Congressional District for six terms, publicly endorsed former President Donald Trump this week. Deutsch, who served in the House from 1993 to 2005, cited his growing concerns over the Biden administration’s handling of global conflicts as the primary reason for his endorsement.

“I feel very comfortable today publicly announcing that I’m endorsing Donald Trump to be reelected as president,” Deutsch said during a call organized by Trump’s campaign to mark the anniversary of the Hamas attacks on Israel. He further confirmed that he intends to vote for Trump in the upcoming election.

“The driving force for me to make this decision is what I believe is the most important factor in being president, which is really world peace,” Deutsch said. He criticized the current administration, stating, “I think that Kamala Harris and the Harris-Biden administration in terms of what they have done and are doing … make the world a dramatically less safe place.”

The endorsement comes as Trump and his allies ramp up their criticism of the Biden administration’s foreign policy, particularly in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks that left more than 1,200 Israelis dead and ignited a wider conflict in Gaza. Trump’s campaign has accused President Biden and Vice President Harris of being weak on Iran, the primary backer of Hamas, and not doing enough to support Israel in its fight against the Palestinian terrorist group.

While the Biden administration has consistently expressed its support for Israel, it briefly paused a shipment of large bombs over concerns about civilian casualties in Gaza. The White House has also occasionally clashed with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but has generally maintained unwavering support for Israel throughout the conflict.

Trump, meanwhile, has touted his record as a pro-Israel president, frequently referencing his decisions to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and broker the Abraham Accords, which normalized relations between Israel and several Arab nations.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. “the Biden administration… has generally maintained unwavering support for Israel”

    Can someone please tell me how virtually non-stop public criticism of Israel ‘not doing enough to protect civilians’, that the war ‘has to stop’, constant calls for a ceasefire when Israel finally gets the upper hand over those simply trying to kill them etc etc etc fit with this narrative of ‘unwavering support’???

  2. The NY Post Editorial Board said this:

    If President Biden had any decency, he’d limit his United Nations speech Tuesday to two words: “I’m sorry”.

    Kamala Harris should echo that.

    [President Barack] Obama Defense Secretary Robert Gates once warned (all too rightly) that Biden had been “wrong on nearly every major foreign-policy and national-security issue over the past four decades.”

    Over the past four years, Joe and Kam [Kamala Harris] have continued that pattern, leaving the world facing its most perilous threats in decades.

    Start with the disastrous bugout [disorganized retreat] from Afghanistan, executed in blatant defiance of every military adviser and the plan left in place by the Trump team.

    That bugout enabled the Taliban to triumphantly retake control of the country, humiliating America and seizing billions in weaponry our forces left behind — erasing all the progress made in 20 years of fighting.

    Worse, it sent the message that Washington can’t be trusted as an ally, that aggressors could get away with almost anything.

    And [Kamala] Harris brags that she was the “last person in the room,” backing Biden made when he made that fatal decision.

    It was downhill from there:

    [1] Russia seized the opportunity to launch a fresh invasion of Ukraine as Biden signaled that, as a “minor incursion,” would be OK; our president then slow-walked aid and tied Kyiv’s hands on the use of US weapons.

    [2] Iran ramped up its drive for nukes as Harris-Biden sucked up to the regime, ending key Trump-era sanctions that had strangled the Iranian economy and sending billions to Islamic Republic outright.

    [3] Its cashflow restored, Tehran upped its funding of terror groups, and helped Hamas plan and launch the October 7 [2023] massacre, triggering the Gaza war.

    [4] Iran also boosted the Houthis, who have now shut down the Red Sea to Western shipping.

    [5] And Hezbollah, which has fired nearly 9,000 rockets and drones at Israel since October 7 [2023] and is now threatening an all-out war.

    [6] China, meanwhile, has grown increasingly aggressive, harassing neighbors like the Philippines and Taiwan, militarizing islands in the South China Sea and aiming to control shipping lanes.

    Beijing has also reasserted its intention to reclaim Taiwan soon — by force, if necessary.

    [7] To make up for their self-destructive war on US oil, and thinking dictator Nicholas Maduro would allow a fair election, Harris and Biden lifted oil sanctions on Venezuela — only to see Maduro steal this year’s election.

    [8] [Joe] Biden and Border Czar [Kamala] Harris let in millions of barely vetted migrants, overwhelming cities and creating new crime and terror threats.

    PERSONAL NOTE: Between 11,000,000 and 30,000,000.

    [9] One of the scariest developments: the alignment of Iran, China, Russia and North Korea against the West — even as Team Harris-Biden has shrunk the US military and focused it more on pronouns, less on fighting enemies.

    Now the world’s on the brink of an all-out war in the Middle East that could well rope in America.

    And another if Russia defeats Ukraine and then looks to expand its hegemony further.

    And still another when China makes a play for Taiwan.

    “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f – – k things up,” President Barack Obama reportedly warned years ago.

    Sadly, America’s voters did just that in 2020, and now the entire free world is paying the price.

    SOURCE: article titled: “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris owe the world an apology for the perils they’ve created” by NY Post Editorial Board, 2024 September 23

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