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philosopher, your long post once again missed the point and I’m tired of explaining to you nicely where you are mistaken. So let this be the last time, unless you have something new to say.
To write that the Or Hachayim in this passuk is not continuing with his explanation of the previous passuk, shows an absolute lack of understanding of how meforshei haChumash work. He is dealing with the pesukim in light of the gemoro that Yaakov Avinu lo meis even though he was embalmed and buried. Sorry, but you should really keep out of Torah sheb’al peh discussions between men who, although they might not be absolute geonim, but they have had years and years of a yeshivah learning background.
As to the Ramban, everybody here (that of course does not include the looney, as he is definitely not totally all there or all here) agrees that the Ramban starts by explaining Rashi, which he understands literally as we men do. Then he offers an alternative pshat. The Maharsha, by the way, does exactly the same. He explains Rashi literally, then disagrees respectfully. Only you and your the rabbis and talmudei (sic) chachamim that you allegedly ask hold differently. And I declare without reservation, if they say that Rashi does not mean it literally, not only are they not talmidei chachamim but they are not even talmudei chachamim.