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Despite Supreme Court Ruling, Separate Yom Kippur Tefillos In Tel Aviv Are Canceled

The head of the Rosh Yehudi outreach organization announced on Thursday morning that he is canceling the gender-segregated Yom Kippur tefillos in Gan Meir in Tel Aviv despite the Supreme Court’s ruling on Wednesday ordering the Tel Aviv Municipality to allow it.

Rosh Yehudi issued a statement saying: “Despite the fact that the court ruled in our favor, following  fears of provocations, Rosh Yehudi  will hold the Yom Kippur tefillos at the shul on Bar Kokhba 54 and not in Gan Meir.”

The statement was issued following threats by far-left activists who announced that they would come to the Gan Meir area on Yom Kippur to disrupt the tefillos with loud music and more.

The head of Rosh Yehudi, Yisrael Zeira, said: “We welcome the Supreme Court’s decision that stated the simple truth: In the State of Israel, davening according to the Jewish mesorah, even in public spaces should be taken for granted – it’s not discrimination of women and it’s not a provocation. A mechitzah according to halacha has been the minhag for generations. B’ezrat Hashem, there will be many more tefillos in public spaces throughout the country, including in the first Hebrew city.”

“In times of war, when our soldiers are risking their lives in battle, and when the entire nation is davening for the safe return of our hostages, the path to victory and defeating the enemy, as well as bringing back our hostages, lies in adding kedushah, achdut, and internal shalom. Unfortunately, we have heard of plans to disrupt this legally permitted tefillah as well. We choose to take responsiblity and be among the offended who do not offend, and we will daven on Yom Kippur in the shul.”

Earlier on Thursday morning, HaGaon HaRav Yosef Yitzchak called not to adhere to the court ruling, recommending that the tefillos should be held davka in a shul in order to prevent conflict

Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich stated: “Rosh Yehudi is an important organization that connects with our Jewish values and identity. I commend the organization and Yisrael Zeira for taking responsibility like the true mother in Shlomo HaMelech’s judgement, to ensure that a handful of extremists don’t stir up conflict. Thank you for what you do all year round, for your principled struggle and the victory in the Supreme Court and for increasing unity on Erev Yom Kippur.”

Aliyah Minister Ophir Sofer said, “I just spoke with the head of the Rosh Yehudi organization Yisrael Zeira and congratulated him on his wise and important decision during these complex days. This decision to give up even when you have the upper hand should be an example and inspiration for all of us on how we can cool the flames and live together despite our differences and disputes.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. If the Israelis believed that the current war with the Iranians, Palestinians, and their friends (which includes Russia), was an existential crisis, they would stop fighting each other and work towards promoting national unity.

  2. Silent
    It is horoeh es hanolad
    They know the disruption will happen and they balance the massive chillul Hashem and chillul YK against the benefit.
    It is the correct decision.
    On Oct 7 I couldn’t help but think of the possible cause and effect of last years massive desecration.

  3. Akuperma,
    Jewish history says otherwise. My Rabbi/Historian calls it the “Jewish Curse”
    When the Arabs present a united front, we never do.
    This has sadly been our history.
    When by Churban Bais Sheini the Yidden were facing an existential crisis from the Romans did we come together? Of course not! We spent more time fighting each other than dealing with the Romans.
    Chazal tells us that the 2nd temple was destroyed because of “Sinas Chinum”
    This wasn’t just some feel good, spiritual, cutesy topic for a Dvar Torah. It was our inability to work as a united group that LITERALLY caused the destruction.

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