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Chavra D’Hilchisa Program Launches With a Strong Start: First Shiurim By Rav Daniel Glatstein and Rav Doniel Osher Kleinman

The highly anticipated Chavra D’Hilchisa Halacha learning program officially launched this week with its first two shiurim on Sunday and Wednesday night, setting the tone for an innovative and transformative year of limud Halacha. The program, designed to help participants master Halacha with clarity, opened with shiurim by world-renowned magidei shiur Rav Daniel Glatstein and Rav Doniel Osher Kleinman.

Lomdim participated in person in Flatbush and Cedarhurst as well as by zoom. The virtual participants hailed from across the United States, as well as Mexico and London. The enthusiasm was palpable as participants were eager to embark on this new journey of Halachic mastery.

Every participant received the necessary seforim, including the Shulchan Aruch and Mishneh Berurah, alongside exclusive Chavra D’Hilchisa learning materials. These carefully curated resources are designed to enhance the learning experience, ensuring that each student has the tools they need to succeed.

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein began Sunday night’s shiur by emphasizing the central role that Halacha plays in the life of a Jew. Rabbi Glatstein highlighted the key role HIlchos Basar B’Chalav, has in Torah and underscored their significance and the necessity of learning Halacha properly and understanding the many details involved in reaching halacha lema’aseh.

Through his engaging and profound teaching style, Rabbi Glatstein captivated the audience with an introduction into both the practical and conceptual aspects of Basar B’Chalav.

On Wednesday night, Rabbi Doniel Osher Kleinman delivered the first shiur on Hilchos Shabbos. Rabbi Kleinman spoke about the great importance of knowing Hilchos Shabbos, and that mastering Hilchos Shabbos is one of the greatest accomplishments in Halacha learning one can attain.

Rabbi Kleinman’s systematic approach to teaching Hilchos Shabbos captivated participants, offering them a clear path toward grasping the depths of the Halacha. His vast knowledge, combined with a clear teaching style, left participants eager to continue their learning and gain a solid foundation in this essential area of Halacha.

Chavra D’Hilchisa is designed to offer learners an innovative approach to studying Halacha.
Rabbi Daniel Glatstein commented, “The launch of Chavra D’Hilchisa marks a new chapter in Halacha learning. We are thrilled to see the enthusiasm from lomdim across the world. Our goal is to ensure that each talmid not only gains clarity in these important areas of Halacha but also feels empowered to live a life more deeply connected to Torah.”

With such a strong start, participants are already looking forward to the upcoming classes and the deeper learning that lies ahead. There is widespread excitement about the program’s potential to foster a real kinyan in Halacha—giving participants not just knowledge but mastery.

Enrollment remains open for those who wish to join this transformative program. For more information and to register, visit or call: 347-459-7352

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